Zrips / CMI

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/cmi back issue #1690

Closed vikramramesh30 closed 5 years ago

vikramramesh30 commented 5 years ago

I am not able to do /cmi back, or it brings up the internal error thing on my mc screen



org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'cmi' in plugin CMI v8.6.1.0
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:46) ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:141) ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:641) ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand(PlayerConnection.java:1162) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a(PlayerConnection.java:997) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a(PacketPlayInChat.java:45) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a(PacketPlayInChat.java:1) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$1.run(SourceFile:13) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) [?:?]
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) [?:?]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(MinecraftServer.java:715) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(DedicatedServer.java:374) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(MinecraftServer.java:654) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:557) [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.World.isChunkGenerated(II)Z
        at com.Zrips.CMI.Modules.tp.Teleportations.isEmpty(Teleportations.java:545) ~[CMI8.6.1.0.jar:?]
        at com.Zrips.CMI.Modules.tp.Teleportations.isSafeToDrop(Teleportations.java:641) ~[CMI8.6.1.0.jar:?]
        at com.Zrips.CMI.Modules.tp.Teleportations.getSafeLocation(Teleportations.java:395) ~[CMI8.6.1.0.jar:?]
        at com.Zrips.CMI.Modules.tp.Teleportations.teleport(Teleportations.java:310) ~[CMI8.6.1.0.jar:?]
        at com.Zrips.CMI.Modules.tp.Teleportations.teleport(Teleportations.java:299) ~[CMI8.6.1.0.jar:?]
        at com.Zrips.CMI.commands.list.back.perform(back.java:75) ~[CMI8.6.1.0.jar:?]
        at com.Zrips.CMI.commands.CommandsHandler.onCommand(CommandsHandler.java:262) ~[CMI8.6.1.0.jar:?]
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:44) ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
        ... 15 more####################


# Language file you want to use
Language: EN
  # storage method, can be MySQL or sqlite
  method: sqlite
  # Requires Mysql.
  username: root
  password: ''
  hostname: localhost:3306
  database: minecraft
  tablePrefix: CMI_
  # If you have no clue what these values does, then keep it at default values
  autoReconnect: true
  useSSL: false
  verifyServerCertificate: false
# Auto save interval in seconds
# This will define how often to write down data into data base
# Save operation will not be performed if there is no changes to save
# !ATTENTION! Keep it in low numbers, around 60 seconds
# Minimal interval is 10 seconds
AutoSaveInterval: 15
# Player data will be recorded straight after he logs out, without any delay
ForceSaveOnLogOut: false
# EXPERIMENTAL. This is not fully tested yet and some minor issues can happen when ussing on bungee network
# Player data will be loaded from database each time player joins server
# When its set to false then precached data will be uses which is more efficient
ForceLoadOnLogIn: false
  # Enable or disable CMI economy in general
  # In case CMIInjector is present, then this will be set to true automatically.
  Enabled: false
  # Determines if player needs to confirm money payment by clicking on chat message
  Confirmation: false
  # Set to true if you want to log money transfers between players
  LogEnabled: false
    Unknown: true
    Transfer: true
  # Determines max amount of cheque player can create
  # Set it to 0 to remove limit
  MaxChequeValue: 1.0E8
    # List of players to exclude from baltop list
    - Notch
    # List of names to exclude from baltop
    # Can be used to filter out towny towns
    - town_
    - town-
    - towny_
    - towny-
    # Starting amount of money players will have
    StartingAmount: 100.0
    # Minimal amount, can go into negative if needed
    MinimalAmount: 0.0
    # Maximal amount of money player can have. Set to -1 to disable this limit
    MaximumAmount: 1.0E8
    # Currency symbol to be used when showing balance or similar
    CurrencySymbol: "\u20ac"
    # Format used for displaying money
    MoneyFormat: '###,###.00'
    # Converts long numbers to short ones, like 12305122 to 12.3m
    UseShortNumners: false
    # Suffixes for short numbers
    - ''
    - k
    - m
    - b
    - t
    - q
    # Replaces to western format where decimals are separated by , and thousands by . In example 1,000,000.00 changes to 1.000.000,00
    SwitchPlaces: false
    # Placing of currency symbol
    Placing: '[money][symbol]'
  # Change this to true only if you have issues with drives I/O and you need to save players files in async mode to lower waiting time for mc server
  Async: false
  # Enables or disables maintenance mode
  Maintenance: false
    # When set to true, plugin will check if player can manipulate armor stand by sending fake block place event and checking if any plugin would want to prevent this action
    # This can help out to minimize posibility for players to manipulate armor stands when they dont have build permission in area where armorstand is standing
    CheckBlockPlace: false
    # In case you dont have GeoIP.dat it will be downloaded automatically on server start. Restart can be needed for it to take effect
    GeoIp: false
    # In case you dont have GeoLiteCity.dat it will be downloaded automatically on server start. Restart can be needed for it to take effect
    GeoLiteCity: false
  # Sets indicator when creating elevator signs. Its case insensitive
  ElevatorIndicator: '[CMIElevator]'
  # Defines elevator type. If this is used on second line of sing, then player will be teleported directly in front of it instead of keeping original players x and z coordinates
  ElevatorStaticIndicator: '[*]'
  # Used to show date in places like mail, checkban, infopage and similar locations
  LongDateFormat: dd/MM/yy
  # Do you want to record sell hand actions into file
  SellLog: true
  # When this set to true by using any command, requiring players name, in case plugin cant determine player by given full name, then partial matches from online players will be used. In example: /cmi heal rips can heal player Zrips 
  # Useful when you have players with complicated names
  PartialPlayerName: false
  # Enables DiscordSRV plugin support for messages
  DiscordSRVSupport: false
  # When set to true, commands in help page will be sorted alphabeticaly
  # If set to false, commands will be sorted by priority
  CommandSorting: true
  # Percentage value (1-100) to pick best command match if command cant be found
  # Example: /cmi spawnmb will have 87.5% match with /cmi spawnmob
  # Set to 0 to disable
  SimilarCommandChecker: 75
  # When set to true, if player enters incorrect command, then command will not gonna be performed
  # But message informing about incorrect usage and best match will be shown in any case
  SimilarCommandPrevention: false
  # When set to true, commands in help page starting with /cmi will get shortened by hiding base command. Example /cmi back becomes /back
  # Keep in mind that this is automatic feature if alias or custom alias is set to that command
  # And keep in mind that this is only cosmetic change and will not impact command usage
  RemoveLabel: false
  # When set to true, all players can see missing permission node by hovering over error message
  # When set to false only players with cmi.permisiononerror permission node can see missing permission node
  # Keep in mind that by default players have acces to permission node, so negate it if you want to hide missing permission nodes from them
  PermisionOnError: true
  # When set to true, each time player tries to use something he doesnthave permission, message will be shown in console
  PermisionInConsole: true
    # When true then while checking for safe location, we will try to determin it goind down and if it fails, then up from target location
    # When set to false, then first of all location above target location will be checked, then down
    SafeLocationDownThenUp: false
    # Set this to true if you having issues with entities not being teleported with you
    # Keep in mind that this is work arround for some plugins (AKA Towny) and can have undesired results in some situations
    VehicleWorkArround: false
    # Set to true if you want to use tp commands as /cmi tp [WhoYouWantToTeleport] [WhereToTeleport] when its false, its /cmi tp [whereToTeleport] [WhoYouWantToTeleport]
    SwitchPlaces: true
    # Applies for tpa, tpahere and tpaall only
    # If set to true then player will be teleported to current player position after accepting teleport request
    # If set to false then player will be teleported to player at which teleport request was issued
    CurrentLoc: true
    # Default distance for jump command. Can be overriden with cmi.command.jump.[amount] permission node
    JumpDefault: 50
    # Defines time in seconds for accepting tpa or tpahere requests
    TpaTime: 60
    # Defines time in seconds for player being teleported after tpa or tpahere is being accepted
    TpaWarmup: 3
    # Defines if player can move when tpa or tpahere is being accepted
    TpaMove: false
    # Defines time in seconds for blocking player teleport offers after denying their request
    TpaBlock: 120
    # Defines time in seconds for bypassing prevented teleportation to unsafe location
    TpBypass: 15
      # Option to prevent player teleportation when he has blacklisted items in his inventory. Can be bypassed with cmi.teleport.bypassblacklist
      Enabled: false
        tp: true
        tpa: true
        tpahere: true
        warp: true
        home: true
        spawn: true
      # Item and amount (if not defined, defaults to 0) we want to protect
      # Separate amount with : in example IronOre:5 what will limit ironOre block in players inventory up to 5, more than that and player cant teleport
      - Diamond
      - DiamondBlock
      - DiamondOre
      - ironore:5
    # Back location will not be triggered if player teleports closer than defined amount of blocks
    BackMinDistance: 5
    # List of worlds to whichones player can't go back with /back command
    - TeztWorldz
    # When set to true, players ip will be recorded for future use, like recognizing players other accounts
    # Some commands will have limited usage when this is disabled
    Record: true
    # How long in second to wait until players ip is being recorded into data base
    # This only applies for offline servers to allow for player first of all to login before recording ip
    # Try to keep this value lower than your login plugin's allowed login time
    delay: 30
  # Max amount of hp you can get when using /cmi maxhp command
  MaxHp: 200
  # When set to true, player play time will be grabbed from user stats file instead of from CMI user data file
  # This can help to get more accurate play time if you have older server and using players stats feature
  PlayTimeFromStats: false
  # When set to true, playtimetop list will be loaded on server startup
  PreloadTopPlaytime: false
  # Do you want to use CMI playtime tracking
  # While this is enabled, player play time will be record for each hour he playied in server
  CMIPlayTimeTracking: true
  # Player names to be excluded from playtimetop list
  - Some
  - Names
  - Here
    # List of materials to block from itemName command
    - gold_nugget
    # List of materials to block from itemName command
    - gold_nugget
    # Do you want to inform player when item durability gets lower than set treshhold
    # Player should have cmi.informDurability
    Use: true
    Percentage: 10
    # Informs about left uses of item
    Inform: true
  # Can disable messages outputed durring start for world chunk checks
  DisableWorldChunkCheckInfo: false
  # Can prevent animals or monsters entering boats
    Monsters: false
    Animals: false
    Nether: false
    TheEnd: false
  # Will teleport players down from nether 'roof'
  PreventPlayersOnNetherRoof: false
    # When set to true, iron golems will not drop roses on death
    Roses: false
  # When set to true, fishing rod will not move grabed entity towards you
  PreventHook: false
  # Use aproximate distances instead of exact
  # This will use separate locale line which includes direction to player
  NearCommand: true
    # When set to true, will prevent multicraft servers to console. This will disable /list command usage in general
    DisableList: false
      # When set to true, /cmi clear comamnd will require confirmation for it to be finalized
      Confirmation: true
  # Enable or disable playtime rewards
  Enabled: false
  # When enabled, while player is in afk mode, repeatable playtime rewards will not increase in playtime
  # ATENTION! this setting will not have any effect if you have Afk.StopPlayTime set to true
  # When StopPlayTime set to true, afk will be expluded automatically
  ExcludeAfk: false
  # Defines time in minutes to inform player about pending reward which needs to be claimed
  RewardInform: 15
  # Defines how many one time rewards you want to show in list
  # This will show next X amount rewards from your current playtime
  # No point in listing all rewards if player is still far away
  OneTimeAmount: 2
  # When set to true player will be required to have cmi.prewards.[name] permission node to get particular playtime reward
  RequiresPermission: false
    # When set to true, players can speedup night by sleeping in bed
    # This will allow to speed up night in percentage depending how many players are sleeping in beds in that world
    Enabled: true
    # Type of speedup information, can be: none, title, bossbar
    InfoType: title
    # When set to true, players who are in afk mode will be excluded from speed calculations
    ExcludeAfk: true
    # Defines speed to go throw night, bigger numbers will make it go faster and less players you will need to go throw night
    # 100 will result in 100 times faster time
    BaseSpeed: 100
    # Defines minimal speed to go throw night, this is in case there are more players than base speed and calculation return default speed
    MinSpeed: 5
    # Minimal amount of players sleeping in beds before speeding it up
    # Can be defined in 2 formats. When using clean number like 3, then 3 players will have to be sleeping before speedup kicks in
    # If amount is defined with % like 50% then half of server population will have to be sleeping before speedup kicks in
    MinBeforeSpeeding: 50%
  PreventItemPickup: false
  # When enabled this will prevent exp bootles being destroyied on portal edge and duplicating them in result of that
  PreventExpPortals: true
  # If your having issues with vault grabbing correct players' group or balance, consider to turn this to false
  Money: true
  Group: true
  # Defines lore that will prevent an item from being sold using /cmi sell.
  # Color codes and capitalization are being ignored
  - Creative item by Gasha
  # Enables or disbales bossbar hp bar on 1.9+ servers
  # Only players with cmi.bossbar.hpbar permission node can see it
  # Permission node is been rechecked no more often than every minute for efficiency
  HpBarEnabled: true
  # List of mob types which will be excluded from hp boss bar
  - Ender_dragon
  # When set to true players who are banned will get messages modified by CMI instead of seying vanilla type of message
  OverrideLoginMessage: false
  # Open gui when using /cmi home command if you have more then one home in your saved list
  Gui: true
  # Homes groups to define max amount homes player can have. Permission: cmi.command.sethome.[groupname]
  # If players home group if not find then amount will be set to 1
  # To have unlimited homes use cmi.command.sethome.unlimited permission
  # In adition to this you can use simple numeric permission node cmi.command.sethome.[number] which will define max number of homes player can have
    Newbie: 2
    Advanced: 3
    Vip: 5
  # Requires cmi.bedhome permission node
  # When set to true by interacting with bed, regular home location will be created
  # When set to false vanilla bed home location will be set
  BedInteraction: true
  # Removes bed location when home location was created by clicking on that bed
  RemoveBedLocationOnBedBreak: true
  # When enabled, plugin will check if player can break block in that area before creating new home location
  # This allows to prevent setting homes in protected areas
  # Can be bypassed with cmi.command.sethome.bypass
  CheckBlockBreak: false
  # Name for default home location. By default its "Home"
  DefaultName: Home
  # Time in seconds to make player immortal after he respawns
  # Can be used to prevent respawn camping
  # Set to 0 if you want to disable it
  Immortality: 5
  # If you want 3rd party plugin to handle player respawning, simply set this to false and reload plugin
  Enabled: true
    # Defines respawn order if defined world is not present in Specific list
    # Possible respawn locations: spawn, bedLocation, homeLocation, worldSpawn, warp![warpName]
    # Spawn is preset spawnlocation with /cmi setspawn command, that location should have RespawnLocation set to true
    # bedLocation is location set by interacting with bed, BedInteraction should be set to false and players requires cmi.bedhome to set bed location
    # homeLocation is location set by player which is with default (Home) name, if that one doesnt exist then first in the list will be used if posible
    # worldSpawn is location preset to this world, this is not CMI location but default world spawn location
    # warp![warpName] can be any valid warp you set for players to be teleported, they will bypass any requirements for that warp
    - spawn
    - bedLocation
    - homeLocation
    - worldSpawn
  # Defines respawn order for defines worlds
  # Remove world if you want to leave respawn handling for server or 3rd party plugin
    - spawn
    - bedLocation
    - homeLocation
    - worldSpawn
    - spawn
    - bedLocation
    - homeLocation
    - worldSpawn
    - spawn
    - bedLocation
    - homeLocation
    - worldSpawn
  # Enable or disable auto afk system entirely
  Enabled: false
  # Prevents jumping in one place to avoid afk status
  PreventJumping: true
  # Prevents damage while afk
  PreventDamage: true
  # Defines how often in seconds plugin will check for afk players state
  CheckInterval: 10
  # When set to true, players playtime counter stops
  # As of nature how this system works you can see +-1second jumping up and down while chekcing players playtime
  StopPlayTime: false
  # Defines how long to wait after player stops moving to set him as afk
  # Player needs to have cmi.command.afk.auto permission node
  AutoAfkIn: 300
  # Defines commands to be performed when player enters afk mode
  # Supports specialized commands
  - cmi broadcast !&6[playerDisplayName] &eis now AFK
  # Defines commands to be performed when player leaves afk mode
  - cmi broadcast !&6[playerDisplayName] &eis no longer AFK
  # Defines how long to wait after player stops moving to kick player
  # This can be used not only to kick but to perform repeating action every x seconds if needed
  # Keep it at -1 to disable auto kick
  # Can be bypassed with cmi.command.afk.kickbypass permission node
  AutoKickIn: -1
  # This will define how long to wait before performing kick commands again
  RepeatingAutoKickInterval: 300
  # When set to true, kick command will be repeated each RepeatingAutoKickInterval seconds
  RepeatKickCommand: false
  # Defines commands to be performed when player can be kicked
  # If player is not kicked then commands will be repeated every RepeatingAutoKickInterval seconds
  - cmi kick [playerName] &eYou have been kicked for idling more than [time]
  # Disables afk on interaction
  DisableOnInteract: true
  # Prevents player from going bypassing afk mode while continuously holding one button with particular items or on particular blocks
  SmartInteractCheck: true
  # Prevents from players abusing afk by constantly moving in afk machine
  AntiAfkMachines: true
  # Disables afk on inventory click
  DisableOnInventoryClick: true
  # Disables afk on command usage
  DisableOnCommand: true
  # Disables afk on public chat message
  DisableOnPublicChat: true
  # Disables afk on private chat message
  DisableOnPrivateChat: true
  # Disables afk on move
  DisableOnMove: true
  # Disables item pickup while afk
  DisableItemPickup: false
  # When set to true votifier votes will be counted for player
  CountVotes: true
  # Number of votes one IP can make in last 24 hours
  # Set it to 0 to have unlimited amount
  MaxVotesInADay: 0
  # Cooldown between votes from same service
  # In most cases voting service will have its own cooldown settup
  # But if you need extra one to prevent rapid voting you can define time in seconds over here
  GeneralCooldown: 0
  # When set to false, commands on sucessfull vote will not be performed
  PerformCommands: true
  # Defines commands to be performed when player votes
  # Supports specialized commands and placeholders
  # [serviceName] variable can be used to insert address
  - cmi broadcast !&6[playerDisplayName] &evoted!
  - cmi give [playerName] diamond
  # Keep it at false if you dont want to give out extra rewards
  ExtraRewardsEnabled: false
  # Commands will be performed when player collect determined amount of votes
    - cmi heal [playerName]
    - cmi money give [playerName] 100
    - cmi heal [playerName]
    - cmi money give [playerName] 1000
    - cmi give [playerName] diamond 32
  # List of players to be excluded from top voter list
  - None
    # Defines how often in seconds plugin will check for posible player rankups
    # Set it to 0 or less to disable auto rankup checks
    Delay: 60
    # EXPERIMENTAL. When set to true, player rankup checks will be done in async mode
    # In case of errors related to this feature being turned on, turn it off and report issue with error log to github
    Async: false
    # Defines how often in seconds each separate player will be checked for rankup
    # This is different than general check just to avoid couple players ranking up at same time
    # This also defines how often player will be notified about posible rankup and it will proportionaly increase with each time player get notification to avoid annoying spam in chat
    # Keep it longer or same as general delay time
    PlayerDelay: 120
    # Enable or disable progression bar in rank info window
    progressBar: true
  # When set to true, command /cmi ranklist will output ranks from your rankup path which will exclude any rank from different paths or different rankup trees all together
  # When set to false, all set ranks will be shown in the list
  ListSamePathOnly: false
  # Defines in milliseconds how often to check if player entered Dynamic Sign trigger area
  # Bigger numbers can help slightly lower server load
  # This is not essential to keep in low numbers
  CheckInterval: 5000
  # List of colors to be translated from one to another to avoid unreadable text
  # Only applies for Dynamic Signs feature
  - '&6-&8'
  - '&e-&f'
  - '&7-&8'
  # Enable or disable skin management
  Enabled: true
  # Applies skin to player automatically on his login to server if he doesnt have one already set
  # This will always set to skin by target player name
  AutoApply: false
  # Sets player sking to Steve when turning skin off and lets server to handle it
  # If its false, then skin will be changed to online one
  SteveOnOff: false
  # Requests from player specific permission for that skin cmi.command.skin.perm.[skinName]
  RequireSpecificPerm: false
  # When enebled, when player logs in who has alert set on him, staff member will get notification that this player have some notes attached to him
  ShowOnAlertEvent: true
  # List of item types not to be removed on ground clean action
  - itemType
  # Will try to modify chat to display it in defined format
  ModifyChatFormat: false
  # When set to true, regular and private messages (excludes clean messages) will have aditional information when hovering over it (PlaceHolderAPI supported) and can be clicked for quick reply option
  # To change default hover over messages seen on sent message, go to your locale file to Chat section
  ClickHoverMessages: false
  # Enables support for DiscordSRV plugin
  DiscordSRVPublicChat: true
  # Enables support for DynMap web chat
  DynMapChat: true
  # When set to false, each time you will use /r you will reply to person you previously sent message directly or to person who sent you message if there is none you have conversion before
  # When this set to true, players with /r will reply to person who last sent private message. This can result in confusion when using /r while getting private messages from multiple players
  ReplyToLastMessenger: false
  # If ReplyToLastMessenger is set to false, then timeOut will be taken into consideration to who you should reply
  # If you had conversation in last 120 seconds (default) then even receiving message from 3rd person, you will still reply to original player
  # If you had conversation in longer then 120 seconds period, then you will reply to latest person who send you a message
  LastMessengerTimeOut: 120
  # Defines regex when replacing url in chat with short word
  # Examples:
  # (https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,})
  # ((http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?
  # ((http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?([^\s]+)
  LinkRegex2: ((http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?([^\s]+)
  # When set to true, particular variables in chat will be translated into items player are holding. List of variables belove
  HoverItems: true
  # Defines regex when replacing item line in chat with players item in hand information. Only works when CMI hover over chat format is enabled
  - (\%item\%)
  - (\[item\])
  - (\%i\%)
  # Do you want to enable private messaging over bungeecord
  BungeeMessages: true
  # Do you want to enable public messaging over bungeecord
  BungeePublicMessages: true
  # Do you want to enable staff messaging over bungeecord
  BungeeStaffMessages: true
  # Used for simple chat messages. Optional variables: {world} {prefix} {suffix} {group}. Supporting PlaceHolderAPI variables like %player_server%
  GeneralFormat: '{prefix}&f{displayName}&7: &r{message}'
  # Defines range of regular messages to travel
  # Set to -1 to disable range restriction
  GeneralRange: -1
  # Defines range of shout messages to travel
  # Shout messages should start with ! and player should have cmi.chat.shout permission
  # GeneralRange should be enabled
  # set to 0 to shout across all worlds, -1 to disable
  ShoutRange: 200
  # Defines cost for each shout message
  ShoutCost: 0
  # Use numeric increments to separate groups from each other. If player has more than one, then line with higher number will be used
  # Add as many lines as you need too
  # cmi.chatgroup.[id] permnission node to use
    '1': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&f: &r{message}'
    '2': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&7: &r{message}'
    '3': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&8: &r{message}'
    # If set to true then all public messages will be filtered from color codes and will allow to colorize them with appropriate permission node
    # cmi.colors.publicmessage.[colorName]
    # Colors: black(&0), darkblue(&1), darkgreen(&2), darkaqua(&3), darkred(&4), darkpurple(&5), gold(&6), gray(&7), darkgray(&8), blue(&9), green(&a), aqua(&b), red(&c), lightpurple(&d), yellow(&e), white(&f), magic(&k), bold(&l), strikethrough(&m), underline(&n), italic(&o), reset(&r)
    PublicMessage: false
    PrivateMessage: true
    # If set to true then /me messages will be filtered from color codes and will allow to colorize them with appropriate permission node
    # cmi.colors.me.[colorName]
    me: true
    # If set to true, then color codes will get removed from text instead of leaving them if player dont have appropriate permission node for that color
      publicmessage: true
      privatemessage: true
      me: true
      signs: false
      books: true
      # List of strings to ignore when checkign chat for color codes player cant use.
      # This will bypass players colorcode restrictions and will allow usage of particular chat formats
      # Applies only for public and private messages
      - "&c\u2764&7"
    # If set to true then nickName will be filtered from color codes when player changes it
    # cmi.colors.nickname.[colorName]
    NickName: true
    Enabled: false
        # If not set to true, this filter will not be used
        Enabled: true
        # Defines filter group and defines required permission node to bypass this filter: cmi.chatfilter.bypass.[groupName]
        Group: Advertising
        # Regex expresion to filter by. How to use regex https://regexone.com/
        - '[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\s?(\.|dot|\(dot\)|-|;|:|,|_|\/)\s?([a-zA-Z]{2}|aero|asia|biz|cat|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|mobi|museum|name|net|org|pro|tel|travel)\b'
        # With what we need to replace word, if not defined found expresion will not be changed
        ReplaceWith: ''
        # posible: none, orhers, all
        # Where 'none' means everyone will receive this message
        # 'others' means that sender will get message but not other players, this is usefull to prevent advertising and silently block it
        # 'all' means that no one will receive sent message
        BlockType: others
        # Players with cmi.chatfilter.inform permisison will receive defined message when rule is broken
        msgToStaff: '&4!&6[playerName] &4advertising with: &r[message]'
        # List of commands to perform when rule is broken. Use [senderName] to include message sender name. Supports global variales same as locale file
        Commands: []
        Enabled: true
        Group: Swearing
        - \bass\b|\basshole
        ReplaceWith: dude
        BlockType: none
        msgToStaff: '&4!&6[playerName] &4swearing'
        - msg [senderName] &eDon't swear!
        Enabled: true
        Group: Swearing
        - \bfu+ck
        ReplaceWith: not good
        BlockType: none
        msgToStaff: '&4!&6[playerName] &4swearing'
        - msg [senderName] &eDon't swear!
    # List of regex filter to exlude from block list. Usefull if you want to block all ip/host address but want to allow usage of your own server.
    - \bgoogle.\s?([a-zA-Z]{2,4})\b
    - \bspigotmc.\s?([a-zA-Z]{2,4})\b
      # When set to true, plugin will prevent spaming of same or similar messages in short time range. Can be bypased with cmi.chatfilter.spambypass permission
      Use: false
      # How much in percentage message is counted as same
      Percentage: 80
      # Defines how often in seconds you can send same/similar message
      Interval: 5
      # How many commands you can repeat before stopped for cooldown
      MinAmount: 2
  # If set to true, players public message who is in your ignore list will not be shown
  IgnorePublicMessage: false
    # Enable or not tag system. This will inform player with his name mentioning in public chat if name have @ in front of it
    Enabled: true
    # When this is set to true, any player mentionings in public messages will be colorized and player will get informed as usual
    # This is allot more heavier on server than usual tagging with @, so enable if you know what you are doing
    HardCoreMode: false
    # Determines color of taged user name in chat with @ in front of name/nickname. Sender should have cmi.tag.color
    Color: '&c'
      # Sound name
      Volume: 1
      Pitch: 3
      # Will play tag sound only when player is afk
      OnlyWhenAfk: false
    # When set to true, @ simbol will be removed
    RemoveEta: false
      # When set to true, plugin will prevent spaming of same or similar command in short time range. Can be bypased with cmi.commandfilter.bypass permission
      Use: false
      # How much in percentage command is counted as same
      Percentage: 80
      # Defines how often in seconds you can send same/similar commands
      Interval: 5
      # How many commands you can repeat before stopped for cooldown
      MinAmount: 2
      # Whitelisted commands to ignore
      - msg
      - tell
      - login
      - register
    # Commands in this list will not be shown when command spy is enabled for player for security/privacy reasons
    - register
    - login
    - l
    # Players without cmi.security.admin will only see commands from this list with command spy feature
    - cmi spawn
    - cmi tp
    - cmi tpa
    - cmi heal
    - cmi feed
    - cmi fly
  # For how long to keep players notes in days
  ExpiresIn: 30
  # For how long to keep players mail in days
  ExpiresIn: 30
  # Mailing to all players will send mails to players who loged into server in last x days
  mailAllDays: 7
  # If you have 3rd party plugin changing players display name, set this to false
  Change: true
  # Format of players display name. By default only nick name will be visible, if its set, if not, then players name
  # Posible custom varibales: {prefix} {suffix} {nicknameprefix}
  # Supports placeholders
  Format: '{nickName}'
  # Defines regex for valid nick name
  # By default only letters and numbers are allowed
  ValidNicknameRegex: '[^\p{L}0-9\-\_]'
  # Prevents players to change their nick name to one of defined without permission
  # Use lower case
  # cmi.command.nick.bypassblacklist
  # to bypass protection against already in use name/nickname use cmi.command.nick.bypassinuse
  - admin
  - administrator
  - server
  - staff
  - staf
  # Min length of nick name, can be bypassed with cmi.command.nick.bypass.length
  MinLength: 4
  # Max length of nick name, can be bypassed with cmi.command.nick.bypass.length
  MaxLength: 16
  # Adds prefix for players nickname to indicate that its not real name. This can be added to display name with {nicknameprefix}
  Prefix: '~'
  # When true, will only add nickname prefix when its not same as original name. This can allow colorization or capitalization change without addign prefix
  PrefixWhenDifferent: false
  # When true, online players nick name will be included into tabcomplete
  IncludeInTabComplete: true
# Shows if there is an available new version on login with cmi.versioncheck permission node
ShowNewVersion: true
  # If you experiencing issues with spawner handling, set this to true to avoid any spawner manipulations from CMI side
  # This will disable features like, spawner placement, spawner drops, spawner charges and so on
  FullDisable: false
    # Enable or disable spawner handler for spawner break
    # If enabled player will get spawner if using silktouch pickaxe and have cmi.dropspawner permission node
    # If player has cmi.dropspawner.nosilk permission node, player is not required to use silk touch pickaxe to get droped spawner
    Enabled: false
    # If set to true, player will need to have particular permission node to break and get particular spawner.
    # In example: player should have cmi.dropspawner.pig to break pig spawner and get it dropped, or cmi.dropspawner.zombie to get zombie spawner
    RequiresExactPermission: false
    # When set tp fa;se, exp will not be dropped from broken spawner independent if spawner it self is being dropped
    # When set to true exp will be dropped only if spawner is not
    DropExp: false
    # Minimal silktouch level required to get spawner back
    SilkTouchLevel: 1
    # Enable or disable spawner handler for spawner place
    # If enabled player will place spawner depending from what it is by its type
    # If disabled then spawner will be placed in normal way and it will allow other plugins to handle its placement
    Enabled: true
    # If set to true, player will need to have appropriate permission node to place spawner by its type
    RequiresPermission: false
    # RequiresPermission should be set to true for this to work. If set to true, player will need to have particular permission node to place particular spawner.
    # In example: player should have cmi.placespawner.pig to place pig spawner, or cmi.placespawner.zombie to place zombie spawner
    # If set to false, then player will need to have basic cmi.placespawner permission to place any type of spawner
    RequiresExactPermission: false
    # When set to true, players trying to change spawner with monster egg will require appropriate permission node
    # In example: player should have cmi.egginteract.pig to change spawner into pig, or cmi.egginteract.zombie to change into zombie spawner
    EggRequiresPermission: false
  # If set to true, spawners will have chance to be dropped when destroying with tnt
    use: false
    # Chance in percentage for spawner to drop
    Chance: 30
  # If set to true, spawners will have chance to be dropped when destroyed by creeper
    use: false
    Chance: 30
    # When enabled players will be assigned to particular spawner charges group who have cmi.spawners.charge.[groupName] permission node
    # Players will be limited to how many spawners they can mine
    # StartingCharge will determine how many charges they will have on first time joining group
    # MaxCharge will limit to how many charges you can have at one time
    # Cooldown determines how often new charge will be given
    # Bonus is optional and it will determine by how many seconds to lower cooldown for next charge when placing spawner
    # Option to bypass limitations with cmi.spawners.charge.bypass
    Use: false
    # If set to true when player runs out of spawner charges spawner will be destroyed without droping it
    BreakWithoutCharge: false
        Use: false
        StartingCharge: 2
        MaxCharge: 5
        Cooldown: 3600
        Bonus: 10
        Use: false
        StartingCharge: 3
        MaxCharge: 6
        Cooldown: 3000
        Bonus: 10
    # Allws to limit how tight spawners can be placed from each other
    Use: false
    # Radius in blocks from blaced block. Max range is 16
    # Can bypass with cmi.spawners.proximity.bypass
    Range: 3
  # When set to true, players will be denyied from renaming defined items
  # Option to define specific name by using regex format
  Prevent: false
  - mobspawner:([A-z]+ (?i)\w*spawner)
  # Defines how many passengers entities can be spawned at once
  MaxQuantity: 10
  MaxPassengers: 10
  # Default range to use when performing /counter start
  Range: 10
  # Defines how far in blocks from mirror center you can build
  # This is mainly to protect from forgeting to turn off mirror and starting to build on different side of map
  MaxRange: 50
  # Can prevent nether portal creation entirely. Option to bypass with cmi.netherportalbypass
  PreventCreation: false
  # Maximum height nether portal can be created. Vanilla size is 23
  MaxHeight: 23
  # Maximum width nether portal can be created. Vanilla size is 23
  MaxWidth: 23
  # Defines in milliseconds how often to check if player entered portal or not
  # Bigger numbers can help slightly lower server load but small portals, 1 block depth without back wall can be passed through without teleportations if player moves fast enought
  CheckInterval: 300
  # Defines in milliseconds how often to check if player entered portal range for particles to apear
  CheckParticleInterval: 500
  # Perform commands on teleport or not
  PerformCommands: true
  # Commands to be performed on teleport event
  - cmi effect [playerName] blindness 2 1 -s
  # Enable siting on stair block by clicking on them with empty hand or by looking and using command
  # Requires cmi.command.sit.stairs
  SitOnStairs: true
  StairsAsChairs: true
  SlabsAsChairs: true
  CarpetsAsChairs: false
  RemoveFromChairOnDamage: true
  # Player will sit on chair only after rapid double click
  DoubleClick: false
  # Delay in milliseconds between clicks to sit on chair when double click is enabled
  DoubleClickDelay: 200
  # Range in blocks from player to look up for valid chair block
  ChairRange: 4
# All posible damage causes: contact, entity_attack, projectile, suffocation, fall, fire, fire_tick, melting, lava, drowning, block_explosion, entity_explosion, void, lightning, suicide, starvation, poison, magic, wither, falling_block, thorns, custom, 
# Syntax should be [permissionNode]:[damageCause]:[multiplier]
# Example: nolavadamage:lava:0 will prevent lava damage with cmi.damagecontrol.nolavadamage permission node
# Negative values will heal player instead of damaging him
# If player have more than one permission node for same damage cause, then last one in list will be used to determine final damage
- nowalldamage:fly_into_wall:0
- lowermagmacubedamage:hot_floor:0.5
  # When this set to true, on players death totem will be used even if he is not holding it in hand
  RemoveFromInventory: false
    # When this set to true player can use totem only every X second's
    Use: false
    Time: 600
    # When this set to true player can use totem to have X amount of second's, during which he can die and be resurected
    # Totem will be consumed durring activation and wont be returned even if resurection is not used during warmup time
    Use: false
    Time: 10
  # If player falls into void while having totem, he will be teleported to respawn location and totem gets consumed
  ProtectFromVoid: true
  # cmi.elytra - allows usage of elytra
  # cmi.elytra.boost - allows usage of boost
  # cmi.elytra.superboost - allows ussage of super boost
  # cmi.elytra.speedometer - allows to see speedometer
    # Max speed until player wont get any boost
    SpeedLimit: 200
    # When enabled items/exp wont be consumed if player is over speed limit
    SpeedLimitStop: false
    # Do you want to show decimals in speed
    SpeedDecimals: true
    # By how much boost player on each use
    GeneralMultyplier: 0.1
    # By how much boost player on each super boost use
    # Use shift while using simple boost
    SuperMultyplier: 0.3
    # Uses defined items instead of exp
    UseItems: false
    # item id
    Item: '288'
    # Requires to hold defined item in hand. Only when UseItems is set to false
    RequiresItem: true
    # Amount consumed on each boost
    Amount: 1
    # Amount consumed on each super boost
    SuperAmount: 5
    # Shows particles when flying
    ShowParticles: true
    Time: 2
  # 1.13+ servers. Do you want to disble riptide enchant usage while flying with elytra and trident which has riptide enchant
  # This combination is dangerous as player can reach extreme speed's if allowed to use it
  DisableRiptide: false
    # Disables option to damage yourself while flying with arrows to boost up
    PreventSelfDamage: false
  # When set to true, each time player gets flight charge or relogs, his fly mode will be toggled on
  # If set to false, then players will have to manualy turn on flight with /cmi flyc
  EnabledByDefault: true
  # When set to true, in event of player changing his game mode from survival/adventure to creative/spectator his flight charge  mode will get disabled
  # Same applies when changind game mode from creative/spectator to survival/adventure
  AutoSwitch: false
  # How much it costs for one recharge point in exp points. Value can be in decimals, like 0.2 but it cant be equal or lower than 0
  # Set to 0 to disable this type of recharge
  ExpRechargeCost: 1.0
  # How much it costs for one recharge point. Value can be in decimals, like 0.2 but it cant be equal or lower than 0
  # Set to 0 to disable this type of recharge
  MoneyRechargeCost: 1.0
  # Defines maximum amount of charge player can have
  # One charge is one traveled block while flying
  # if player dosent move, then one charge for each second while hovering
  MaxChargeLevel: 1000
  # Defines multiplier when player doesnt move but is hovering. For each second player hovers.
  # Set to 0 to disable
  DeductOnIdling: 1
  # Defines multiplier when player falls down of charge to be taken
  # This only effects when player falls from above 3 blocks of hight
  # In example if player falls from 10 blocks height, then 7 * 2 = 14 charges will be taken
  # This is to prevent avoiding no penealty from jumping from clifs
  # Set to 0 if you want to disable it
  DeductOnFallMulti: 2
  # Defines if you want to damage player when he falls down from higher than 3 blocks height
  # This will not kill player even if he would drop from 200 block height, but will leave him with 1 hp
  # This will only effect players who jumped down and not those who disabled fly mode in mid air
  DamageOnFall: true
  # DamageOnFall should be enabled for this to work
  # This will define if you want to damage player when he deactivates fly mode in mid air
  DamageOnToggle: false
  # DamageOnFall should be enabled for this to work
  # This will define if you want to kill player if fall damage if higher than his health amount
  KillOnFall: false
  # Default particle for point command. Options: fireworks_spark, crit, magic_crit, potion_swirl, potion_swirl_transparent, spell, instant_spell, witch_magic, note, portal, flying_glyph, flame, lava_pop, footstep, splash, particle_smoke, explosion_huge, explosion_large, explosion, void_fog, small_smoke, cloud, coloured_dust, snowball_break, waterdrip, lavadrip, snow_shovel, slime, heart, villager_thundercloud, happy_villager, large_smoke, water_bubble, water_wake, suspended, barrier, mob_appearance, end_rod, damage_indicator, sweep_attack, totem, spit, squid_ink, bubble_pop, current_down, bubble_column_up, nautilus, dolphin, 
  DefaultParticle: COLOURED_DUST
    # If set to true, login message wont be shown
    Disabled: false
    # Defines number of players from which to automatically start hiding join messages
    # Set to -1 to disable this
    AutoHideFrom: -1
      # If set to true, custom login message will be used. cmi.messages.disablelogin can be used to disable message for player
      Use: false
    # If set to true, logout message wont be shown
    Disabled: false
    # Defines number of players from which to automatically start hiding logout messages
    # Set to -1 to disable this
    AutoHideFrom: -1
      # If set to true, custom logout message will be used. cmi.messages.disablequit can be used to disable message for player
      Use: false
  # Check locale file for translation and custom placeholders: [playername], [totalUsers], [onlinePlayers]
    Use: false
    # Defines number of players from which to automatically start hiding death messages
    # Set to -1 to disable this
    AutoHideFrom: -1
  # Defines default creator name for books when using getbook command
  DefaultAuthor: Server
# Defines name of customtext on players login to server. To disable just set name to non existing customText
Motd: welcomeMessage
    LifeTime: 86400
    Points: 1
    DefaultReason: '&7Violated server rules'
      LifeTime: 86400
      Points: 3
      DefaultReason: '&7Swearing'
      LifeTime: 86400
      Points: 10
      DefaultReason: '&7Griefing'
      LifeTime: 86400
      Points: 30
      DefaultReason: '&7Using bugs'
      LifeTime: 86400
      Points: 50
      DefaultReason: '&7Using cheats'
    - cmi mute [playerName] 10m
    - cmi msg [playerName] !&cMuted for &710 &cminutes for getting &73 &cwarnings!
    - cmi kick [playerName] &cKicked for getting 5 warnings!
    - cmi tempban [playerName] 5m &cTemporary banned for getting 10 warnings!
  # Forces players to login in defined spawn point when logging into server
  SpawnOnJoin: false
  # Defines players spawn point after death if set to true, if not, then it will be used only for /cmi spawn command
  # RespawnLocation will indicate if you want to use this location as posible respawn point for player after death
    World: world
    X: 393.92660184307306
    Y: 70.0
    Z: -393.8204593057573
    Pitch: 29.399986
    Yaw: 59.400047
    RespawnLocation: false
    Rng: 0
  # Defines players first spawn point when he logs into server for the first time
    Use: true
    World: None
    X: 0.0
    Y: 0.0
    Z: 0.0
    Pitch: 0.0
    Yaw: 0.0
  # Kit name to give for new players joining server
  Kit: Newbie
  # When set to true, kit list will be shown in GUI instead of chat list
  GUI: true
  # When set to true, kit selection gui empty fields will get filled with definet item
  FillEmptyFields: true
    Cooldown: Watch
    Usages: STONE_PLATE
    Money: GOLD_INGOT
    Desc: WOOL:13
    Back: Fence
  # When set to true, warps list will be shown in GUI instead of chat list
  GUI: true
  # Automatically opens GUI when created new warp point
  GUIOnCreation: true
  # Minimal lenght of warp name
  MinLenght: 4
  # Maximal lenght of warp name
  MaxLenght: 16
  # How many warps to show in each page
  perPage: 50
  # Do you want to show creator in warp list
  showCreator: false
  # When set to true, new warps by default will require permission node to use them
  requirePerm: false
  # Defines item type in empty fields in GUI when its needed to be filled up
  # By setting to true will enable dynamic view range feature. Its still in beta stage and can result in some CPU load increase.
  # Don't enable if you are not using this feature on your server
  Enabled: false
  # By setting to true fly and gamemode limitations per world will be aplied for player on world change if they dont have appropiate permission node
  Enabled: false
  # World list with default game modes
  # If player will have cmi.worldlimit.gamemode.bypass permission node, game mode wont be changed
  # Posible modes: creative, survival, adventure, spectator, 
  - world:Survival
  # If player will have cmi.worldlimit.fly.bypass permission node, fly mode wont be changed
  - world:False
  # When set to false, only players with cmi.worldlimit.fly.aboveroof can fly above world build limit
  FlyAboveRoof: true
  # When set to false, only players with cmi.worldlimit.fly.aboveroof can fly above world build limit
  - world-256
  - world_nether-128
  - world_the_end-256
  # If player will have cmi.worldlimit.god.bypass permission node, fly mode wont be changed
  - world:False
    - None
    - None
    - None
# Checks and shows on players login if he have been changed hes name over Mojang
# Looks to be working only with online servers, duhhhh
  OnLogin: false
  AmountToShow: 3
  OnInfoShow: true
  # Do you want to perform commands
  PerformCommandsOnNewName: false
  # Command list to be performed in case player logs in with new name
  - 'asConsole! cmi broadcast !&2[oldname] logged in with new name: [newname]'
  # Do you want to save the player's inventory on his death
  SaveOnDeath: false
  # When set to true, empty inventories (no items in inventory) will not be saved on players death
  IgnoreEmpty: false
  # If set to true then player should have cmi.saveinv permission node for inventory to be saved on death
  RequiresPermission: false
  # How many inventories, we will keep for each player
  SavedInventories: 5
  # Do you want to give more than 20 hunger for players
  overide: false
    # Do you want to remove negative potion effects from player on heal
    use: false
    - blindness
    - confusion
    - harm
    - hunger
    - poison
    - slow
    - slow_digging
    - weakness
    - wither
  # When set to false will allow players to talk who is cuffed
  Mute: true
  - msg
  - r
  - tell
  # When set to true, player will not be allowed to send private messages while he is muted
  DenyPrivateMessages: true
  # defines how big is dispose ui 1-6
  UILines: 4
    # When enabled will prevent players repairing items for others in anvil regular way. They still can use items and repairs normaly for them selfs
    # Can be bypassed with cmi.command.repair.repairshare.bypass
    ProtectNormalRepair: false
    # When enabled will prevent players repairing items for others with CMI command. They still can use items and repairs normaly for them selfs
    ProtectCommandRepair: false
    # Sets durability on item when another picks it up or selects in inventory. Set to 0 or less if you don't want to change durability
    Durability: 1
    # When set to true, player who have cmi.command.repair permission will bypass this protection and can use other user repaired items without any aditional actions
    BypassWithRepairPermission: true
    # When enabled aditional lore line will be added when player can't use that item. This will not be shown for owner of item
    AddLore: true
    # When set to true, interact event will be canceled to prevent item usage
    CancelEvent: true
    # When set to true, player will get message informing about item usage he dint repaired him self
    InformWithMessage: true
  # You can enable any command cooldown to prevent instant usage of it
  # cmi heal:180 means that player can use /cmi heal command only once every 180 seconds
  # if cooldown set to -1 then this command can be performed only one time
  # Administration can bypass limitations with cmi.command.[comandName].cooldownbypass permission node
  # Always use full command name and not its alias
  Enabled: false
  - cmi heal:180
  - cmi feed:120
  # Defines combat timer to be used in particular features
  Timer: 15
  # If set to true, then atacked player will be included into combat mode even if he doesnt fight back
  # If set to false then only attacker will be marked for pvp mode
  IncludeVictim: true
      Drop: false
      # Percentage from 0 to 100 for head to be dropped. Decimals are acceptable, like 0.2
      # 100 will mean that head will be dropped every time player kills another player
      # 1 will mean that there is 1% that player will drop head if he is killed by another player
      Percentage: 1.0
      # Percentage from 0 to 100 for lowering chance in getting second head of same player
      # This will reset on each server restart
      LowerChanceOfterDrop: 50.0
      # Enables custom mob heads dropping from mobs with particular chance
      # Check customHeads.yml for customization by entityType
      Drop: false
  # When set to true, players will not have option to open shulker boxes while in combat
  # Combat timer can be defined under combat section
  PreventInCombat: true
  # You can enable any command warmup to prevent instant command usage
  # tp:5:false means that when player performs /tp command he will need to wait 5 sec
  # false variable is optional and when its set to false player cant move while warmup is counting
  # If you dont want to deny empty warp command but want to deny any extra variable after that, then just add space, in example 'warp :5:false'
  # When setting warmups for CMI commands, use full command name and not allias, in example 'cmi warp:5false'
  # Administration can bypass limitations with cmi.command.[comandName].warmupbypass permission node
  # ATTENTION! cmi home command is being handled in special way and to prevent double warmup, add space, example: - cmi home :5:false
  # Experimental: add GlyphHead to the warmup to show particle effect while command is on warmup period. Like
  # - cmi warp :3:false:GlyphHead
  Enabled: false
  InformOnNoMove: true
  - cmi tp :5:false
  - cmi back:3:true
  - cmi warp :3:false
  - cmi home :3:false
  # Defines in milliseconds how often to check if player leaves jail area
  # Bigger numbers can help slightly lower server load
  CheckInterval: 500
  # Defines default jail time when time is not povided with command
  DefaultTime: 300
  # Chat range in blocks while player is in jail
  # Set to 0 to allow talking
  # set to -1 to prevent talking in general while jailed
  ChatRange: 20
  # When set to true jail time will decreese while player is offline
  # When set to false jail time will only be counted while player is online
  CountWhileOffline: false
  # When set to true jail time will not decreese if player gets into afk mode while being jailed
  # When set to false, time will pass normally
  NoAfk: false
  - cmi msg
  - cmi reply
  # Tps cap from which to start adjusting scan speed
  SoftCap: 19.0
  # Staring speed when scanning. Range from 1 to 30
  DefaultSpeed: 15
  # When this set to true, when using scan feature and not providing range, whole map will be scanned
  GlobalRangeByDefault: false
  # Range in chunks. 2 is 25 chunks, 1 is 9 and 0 is only chunk you are standing in
  DefaultRange: 2
  # When this set to true, all found items in containers will be removed automatically durring scan. Ex: /scan id 7 purge
  EnablePurge: false
  # When this set to true, all found items in inventories will be deleted durring search. Ex: /cmi search id 7 purge
  EnablePurge: false
  # Tps cap from which to start adjusting light fix speed
  SoftCap: 19.0
  # Staring speed when fixing light. Range from 1 to 100
  DefaultSpeed: 15
# Removeuser command will use same configurations when removing player data files or moving them to new place
  # Cleans files on server startup
  CleanOnStart: false
  # How long player should be offline for his data to be moved
  OfflineDays: 90
    # Do you want to enable player data file cleaning
    Enabled: true
    # Source folder to take files from
    SourceFolder: world\playerdata
    # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
    DeleteFiles: false
    # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
    DestinationFolder: world\playerdata_backup
    # Do you want to enable player stats file cleaning
    Enabled: true
    # Source folder to take files from
    SourceFolder: world\stats
    # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
    DeleteFiles: false
    # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
    DestinationFolder: world\stats_backup
    # Do you want to enable player Advancements file cleaning
    Enabled: true
    # Source folder to take files from
    SourceFolder: world\Advancements
    # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
    DeleteFiles: false
    # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
    DestinationFolder: world\Advancements_backup
    # Do you want to enable essentials playerdata file cleaning
    Enabled: false
    # Source folder to take files from
    SourceFolder: plugins\Essentials\userdata
    # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
    DeleteFiles: false
    # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
    DestinationFolder: plugins\Essentials\userdata_backup
    # Do you want to enable lwc protection cleaning
    Enabled: false
  # Tool id to use for selection actions
  Tool: wooden_shovel
  # Defines preset time
  Day: '12:00'
  Night: '24:00'
  Morning: 06:00
  Dusk: '18:00'
    # Time in seconds time in game will be adjusted to match real
    # Keep it at arround one minute
    Interval: 60
    # Enables by default smooth sun transition to new time
    # You can always override this setting with -smooth variable in time command
    Smooth: true
    # Speed of smooth transition
    # 100 will mean that sun moves 100 times faster than usual until it reaches target time
    SmoothSpeed: 100
    # Worlds effected by autotime adjustment
    - ''
  # Allows you to change vanilla time speed to your own liking and needs
    # Time is defined in seconds. Vanilla 24 hour ingame duration is 1200 seconds of real time
      Enabled: false
      # Default value: 600 Starts from tick: 0 Ends at tick: 12000
      day: 600
      # Default value: 90 Starts from tick: 12000 Ends at tick: 13800
      sunset: 90
      # Default value: 420 Starts from tick: 13800 Ends at tick: 22200
      night: 420
      # Default value: 90 Starts from tick: 22200 Ends at tick: 24000
      sunrise: 90
    # World name to use this feature. Add annother one with appropriate name to enable random teleportation
      Enabled: true
      # Max coordinate to teleport, setting to 1000, player can be teleported between -1000 and 1000 coordinates
      MaxRange: 1000
      # If maxcord set to 1000 and mincord to 500, then player can be teleported between -1000 to -500 and 1000 to 500 coordinates
      MinRange: 500
      CenterX: 0
      CenterZ: 0
      Circle: false
      IgnoreWater: true
      IgnoreLava: true
      minY: 0
      maxY: 256
      Enabled: true
      MaxRange: 1000
      MinRange: 500
      CenterX: 0
      CenterZ: 0
      Circle: false
      IgnoreWater: true
      IgnoreLava: true
      minY: 0
      maxY: 256
      Enabled: true
      MaxRange: 1000
      MinRange: 500
      CenterX: 0
      CenterZ: 0
      Circle: false
      IgnoreWater: true
      IgnoreLava: true
      minY: 0
      maxY: 256
  # How long force player to wait before using command again.
  Cooldown: 5
  # How many times to try find correct location for teleportation.
  # Keep it at low number, as player always can try again after delay
  MaxTries: 20
  # List of biomes to exclude from random teleportation
  - Ocean
  - Deep ocean
    # By disabling this, no limitation to enchanting will be applied
    Enabled: true
      protection_environmental: 4
      protection_fire: 4
      protection_fall: 4
      protection_explosions: 4
      protection_projectile: 4
      oxygen: 3
      water_worker: 1
      thorns: 3
      depth_strider: 3
      damage_all: 5
      damage_undead: 5
      damage_arthropods: 5
      knockback: 2
      fire_aspect: 2
      loot_bonus_mobs: 3
      dig_speed: 5
      silk_touch: 1
      durability: 3
      loot_bonus_blocks: 3
      arrow_damage: 5
      arrow_knockback: 2
      arrow_fire: 1
      arrow_infinite: 1
      luck: 3
      lure: 3
  # List of information about BungeeCord servers to be used when getting information like max players, current player count and motd
  # Information should match with what you have in bungeeCord config file under servers section
  - server1-
  - server2-
# If you want to disable particular sound entirely, set it to "" 
  Enabled: true
  WarpGuiOpen: entity_bat_takeoff:0.5:1
  TeleportHome: block_beacon_activate:2:1
  TeleportWarp: entity_enderman_teleport:0.5:1
  TeleportFail: entity_villager_no:2:1
  PrivateMessage: entity_endermite_death:2:1
  TpaRequest: block_anvil_land:0.5:2
  MailNotification: entity_creeper_hurt:1:0.5
  TeleportUp: entity_enderman_teleport:2:1
  TeleportDown: entity_enderman_teleport:0.2:1
# If you want to disable particular particle entirely, set it to "" 
  Enabled: true
  Healing: circle;effect:heart;dur:0.1;part:1;offset:0,1.7,0;radius:0.3
  GlyphHead: circle;effect:flying_glyph;dur:5;pitchc:15;part:10;offset:0,1.7,0;radius:0.5;yawc:12;color:rs;pitch:90
  GColumn: circle;c:0,255,0;twist;part:5;r:0.75;pitch:90;move:0,0.1,0;rc:-0.02
  SmallBoop: circle;effect:flying_glyph;yaw:[playerName];pitch:[playerName];r:0.1;part:3;rc:0.03;mr:0.3;twist
  TpUp: circle;c:200,50,210;twist;part:5;r:0.5;pitch:90;move:0,0.33,0;offset:0,-0.2,0
  TpDown: circle;c:150,50,10;part:5;r:0.5;pitch:90;move:0,-0.33,0;offset:0,2.2,0
  # When set to true player poition effect will expire even if player is offline
  # Keep in mind that player potion effect durability will be updated on players login event so by checking players potions effect while he is offline can show incorrect state
  DeductWhileOffline: false

Cmi Version (using/cmi version): Server Type (Spigot/Paperspigot/etc): spigot Server Version (using /ver): 1.8.8 Relevant plugins (Delete if this isn't needed): factions uuid

Zrips commented 5 years ago

Will be fixed with todays update