Zrips / CMI

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Possible issue with removing all armour stands without logging it happening #6162

Open TomLewis opened 2 years ago

TomLewis commented 2 years ago

Description of issue: I write down ALL my changes I make to my server to diagnose problems, these are the only changes I have made leading up to all Armour stands being wiped in all loaded chunks (Still on going)

On September 11th I got a report that all Armour stands in every single loaded chunk in the world was wiped, there is no log, no messages to any players in-game, this has stayed consistent and I have been using trial and error to try and figure out what caused it, but it seems to not be able to be reproduced, and it does not seem to happen exactly when thigns are scheduled, Im not even sure it is the schedule system or Mob Farm manager, but these are the ONLY thigns I have changed, and these armour stands around the world have been there years perfectly fine. Its just armour stands and no other entity's vanishing.

Cmi Version (using/cmi version):

[13:07:01] [Server thread/INFO]: CMI: BungeeCord CMIB  MySQL
[13:07:01] [Server thread/INFO]: CMILib: ->
[13:07:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Server: Paper(1618) 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[13:07:01] [Server thread/INFO]: CMI economy: Disabled Vault: 1.6.6-b CMI Chat: Disabled
[13:07:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Modules -> 29 enabled 27 disabled: spawnerProximity, customMessages, mirror, tablist, moneyCheque, skin, noTarget, elytraBoost, elytraLaunch, coloredArmor, votifier, shulkerBackpack, attachedCommands, spawnerCharge, namePlates, homeInteractions, hpBossBar, afk, anvilRenameColor, spawners, dynamicSigns, playerChatTag, durabilityLoss, flightCharge, disabledEnchants, worldLimits, ranks

Server Type (Spigot/Paperspigot/etc): Paper 1.12.2

Server Version (using /ver): 1.12.2

Relevant plugins (Delete if this isn't needed): Mob Farm manager, CMI, CmiLib

Zrips commented 2 years ago

CMI or MFM will ignore amorstand which contain items in them. It might remove empty ones by using /cmi kill armorstand or by having set limit on them by MFM, but again, it should not remove armor stands that contain items in them, if those remain then you simply have some trigger which ether triggers CMI kill command or MFM does it automatically.

TomLewis commented 2 years ago

I've just been informed that loaded chunks with parrots also got wiped, so it wasn't just related to Armour stands as I was initially told!

Im honestly stuck on how to track what did this and log if it happens again.

I have the MFM log turned on and its not logged the removal of these.

if those remain then you simply have some trigger which ether triggers CMI kill command or MFM does it automatically.

Where would this be? I haven't setup a trigger

Zrips commented 2 years ago

Without testing on your side cant really say much what is going on. You could try spawning in bunch of armor stands and parrots in one chunk to check of those gets cleaned at some point or not. This would especially be visible if you have MFM auto removal enabled and when it triggers armorstands/parrots disappear which would indicate that it happen due to MFM and not something else. And just a reminder, MFM log will only start recording from defined amount of removed entities, so make sure you have set that to 1 to record any type of removals

TomLewis commented 2 years ago

So I did some testing, very peculiar, I bumped armour stands to infinite, laid out 20+ in a chunk, changed it back to 10 in a chunk and none of vanished, no message, nothing. they were all empty, I backdated the plugin and same thing. Not sure what's going on. I am using Paper 1.12.2, Im wondering if there is a conflict or something in the removal system because as soon as I tried to place another one, it told me the chunk was at its maximum, so its definitely knowing how many there are.

What my worry is, is that this seems like a random one off that just wiped ALL amour stands and parrots one day, out of the blue for no reason, without a trace, error or log anywhere! and I have no idea why or what plugin/reason caused it.

I have made no big changes to the server in weeks, so its even more odd. especially since these had been saved for years on the world.

Im not sure how I can ever figure out what caused it, or how to prevent it in the future or even log it in the future.