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Option for disabled to accept or deny command format #6797

Closed MCLaraTeam closed 2 years ago

MCLaraTeam commented 2 years ago

When a request is sent, the user receives a check and a cross in the chat. On some of my servers the players do everything via interface and don't have access to tab any command other than /menu

I would like to request an option to be able to deactivate that users receive the check and the cross.

CloudeLecaw commented 2 years ago

speaking of tpa? well if they should only teleport to others without others get ask give them access to cmi tp? command structure of cmis tp is on /cmi tp playername (playername) players needs cmi.command.tp permission then they can teleport theirself to other players with /cmi tp PLAYER or if alias activated /tp PLAYER

Note: this tp command cant teleport to cords just to players

An other Option if u wanne use tpa without CancelButton would be to simply remove the cross in the langfile

      info: '&eAsk the player if you can teleport to them'
      args: '[playerName] (playerName) (-c)'
      requestSent: '&eRequest sent to &6[playerDisplayName]'
      gotRequest: '&6[senderDisplayName] &erequests teleportation to you!'
      time: '&eYou have &6[time]&eto accept this request'
      canceled: '&eTeleportation request has been cancelled'
      # This line cant contain anything else then default variables ([message][cancelButton]), you can switch them around to your liking tho
      senderFeedbackMessageFormat: '[message][cancelButton]'
      alreadyRequesting: '&eYou are already requesting that &6[playerDisplayName] &eaccepts your teleportation request'
      banned: '&eYou can''t send a teleportation request to &6[playerDisplayName] &efor the next &6[time]'

just remove the [cancelButton] from the sendersFeedbackMeaasgeFormat

MCLaraTeam commented 2 years ago

I want to remove this image

CloudeLecaw commented 2 years ago

What you want allready exist in the config. :) Look in config.yml at section: Teleport: for:

    # When set to true adds accept and deny buttons when sending tpa or tpahere requests
    DenyConfirm: true

Set it to false, reload cmi and the buttons should not appear anymore on tpa and tpahere requests.

Zrips commented 2 years ago

@MCLaraTeam As @CloudeLecaw mentioned, you can disable those button with provided config option. it might not have been to clear where you can find those.