Zrips / CMI

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Double Bungee Broadcast Message #7251

Open PanetiX opened 1 year ago

PanetiX commented 1 year ago

Description of Issue

When you send a message with the /bbroadcast command, it is displayed twice on the server from which it was sent.

Version Information

CMI Plugin Version: BungeeCord CMIB  MySQL
Server: Paper(166) 1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
CMI economy: Aktiviert Vault: 1.7.3-b CMI Chat: Aktiviert 
Modules -> 55 enabled 2 disabled: deathMessages, tablist


No response

Relevant Config Sections

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Relevant Plugins

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mrfloris commented 1 year ago

Is it sending it double on All the servers? As a player, do you see it double too on the server where you type /cmi broadcast?

Or does it only show to the admin, then once to all players, on all servers ?

PanetiX commented 1 year ago

No, not on every server only on Lobby. Yes, players see the double messages, too.

It's only double with /bbroadcast

mrfloris commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the extra info, I see there's another ticket about this here: https://github.com/Zrips/CMI/issues/7139 (just posting for zrips) Maybe stick to 1 ticket?

PanetiX commented 1 year ago

Oh yes that was an old report from me :D

PanetiX commented 1 year ago

Thiss issue is still present :(

mrfloris commented 1 year ago

Please don't bump tickets, it's fine to contribute new information if there is any.