Zrips / CMI

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private message doesn't work in bungeecord when server is in different computer #8347

Closed aaa8881 closed 3 months ago

aaa8881 commented 6 months ago

Description of Issue

server alpha is in computer A server beta is in computer B server gamma in computer A

private messaging player in alpha -> player in gamma ✅ works player in beta -> player in gamma ❌ does not work

latest CMI , CMILib, and CMIB set up correctly. used to work, but suddenly stopped working recently, maybe within a week of this report.

Version Information

CMI: BungeeCord CMIB
Server: Paper(69) 1.20.1 

### Errors

can't find any exception relevant to this.

Relevant Config Sections

No response

Relevant Plugins

No response


aaa8881 commented 4 months ago

I've rollbacked server to CMI which worked fine previously, and decided to update to latest ( with correct CMILib and latest CMIB) , but issue still persists.

there are three computers A,B,C . Each computer contains multiple bukkit instances.

A<->B works fine but A<->C and B<->C does not work.


  # You can disable bungeecord support entirely if you are exrperiencing issues with it
  # When setting this to false some features like public messages over bungee cord, private messages over bungeecord, portals over bungecoord and other features will stop working
  # Keep in mind that regular behavior of those features will remain intacted
  Enabled: true
  # When set to true player names from entire bungee network will be included into tab complete
  NamesInTabComplete: true


    # Attention! This will require you to have CMI Bungee plugin which can be found at zrips.net
    # Or direct download https://www.zrips.net/cmi/
    # Do you want to enable private messaging over bungeecord
    # Bungee cord support needs to be enabled for this to have any effect
    Messages: true
    # Do you want to enable public messaging over bungeecord
    # Player needs to have cmi.bungee.publicmessages.[servername] permission node to be able to send messages to target server
    PublicMessages: true
    # Do you want to enable staff messaging over bungeecord
    StaffMessages: true

are set up correctly as guided from https://www.zrips.net/cmi/bungeecord/

/cmi serverlist correctly identifies server. player name tab complete works too.

simply private message is not conveyed from one bukkit instance from computer C to other bukkit instance in other computer.

message between bukkit instances in same computer works.

sorry for ping @Zrips , but I think you missed it, and I really need support for this.

aaa8881 commented 4 months ago

I would at least understand if you're busy with other things, so support is slow, but why are you ignorning this? I see you're commneting on other issues.

It's not from misconfiguration, and I tried pretty much I could do to handle this issue. it's very disappointing.

at least tell me if this is considered bug or something so that I can either wait for update or not.


aaa8881 commented 4 months ago
  1. clean CMI setup + bungeecord enabled. still doesn't work. computer A,B,C A->C works B->C works C-> A doesnt work C ->B doesnt work

I absolutely have no idea where to start debuggin the issue.

I already have tried to test in clean environment where only CMI , LuckPerm, and ViaVersion exist.

it used to work in CMI & CMILib

aaa8881 commented 4 months ago
