Zrips / CMI

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Players enter combat mode because they attack an armor stand #8386

Open LOURENT4462 opened 8 months ago

LOURENT4462 commented 8 months ago

Description of Issue

when the player attacks the armor stand, the player will enter combat mode, I think that's strange...

Version Information

[17:02:02 INFO]: --------------------------------------------------
[17:02:02 INFO]: CMI: BungeeCord CMIB  SqLite->
[17:02:02 INFO]: CMILib: ->
[17:02:02 INFO]: Server: Paper(245) 1.20.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-
[17:02:02 INFO]: CMI economy: Enabled Vault: 1.7.3-CMI CMI Chat: Enabled 
[17:02:02 INFO]: --------------------------------------------------


There is no error log in the console

Relevant Config Sections

  # Defines combat timer to be used in particular features
  Timer: 15
  # When enabled we will allow for players to be damaged in safe zone if they are tagged for pvp
  safeZoneDamage: false
  # If set to true, then attacked player will be included into combat mode even if he doesnt fight back
  # If set to false then only attacker will be marked for pvp mode
  IncludeVictim: false
    # If set to true, then player who gets placed into combat mode will get its fly mode disabled
    # This will disable players fly mode which will result in player dropping down and will disable option to start flying
    # This can be bypassed by player performing fly command if he has access to it and commands durring combat are not blocked
    # Can be bypassed with cmi.pvp.PFlyBypass permission node
    DisableFlight: true
    # If set to true player whose fly mode got disabled will not suffer fall damage, once
    DisableFallDamage: true
    # When set to true player will see boss bar message indicating how long until combat mode ends
    # This only applies for pvp type combat
    ShowBossBar: true
    # When enabled we will show damage numbers in a form of holograms when damaging players
    ShowDamageNumbers: true
    DamageNumbersFormat: '&c⚔[damage]'
    # Prevents damage from players with god mode enabled
    # Can be bypassed with cmi.pvp.godBypass permission node
    noGodDamage: true
    # Informs player that he cant damage players while in god mode
    noGodDamageInform: true
    # When set to true players will be only able to use commands defined in the list
    # This only applies for pvp type combat
    BlockCommands: true
    - msg
    - r
    # When set to true AllowedCommands become black list which will define which commands player cant use
    MakeBlackList: false
    # If set to true, then player who gets placed into combat mode will get its fly mode disabled
    # Can be bypassed with cmi.pvp.MFlyBypass permission node
    DisableFlight: true
    # If set to true player whose fly mode got disabled will not suffer fall damage, once
    DisableFallDamage: true
    # When set to true player will see boss bar message indicating how long until combat mode ends
    # This only applies for pve type combat
    ShowBossBar: true
    # When enabled we will include damage from environmental damage into mob combat timer
    # This can include damage from cactus, magma blocks, suffocation, burning, fall damage and similar
    IncludeEnvironment: false
    # When enabled we will show damage numbers in a form of holograms when damaging mobs
    ShowDamageNumbers: true
    DamageNumbersFormat: '&c❤[damage]'
    # Prevents damage from players with god mode enabled
    # Can be bypassed with cmi.pve.godBypass permission node
    noGodDamage: true
    # Informs player that he cant damage mobs while in god mode
    noGodDamageInform: true
    # When set to true players will be only able to use commands defined in the list
    # This only applies for pve type combat
    BlockCommands: true
    - msg
    - r
    - tell
    # When set to true AllowedCommands become black list which will define which commands player cant use
    MakeBlackList: false

Relevant Plugins

No response


CloudeLecaw commented 8 months ago

an armorstand is an entity even if it doesnt move or attacks you..:3

might adding a blacklist for not triggered enties whould help here.

LOURENT4462 commented 8 months ago

an armorstand is an entity even if it doesnt move or attacks you..:3

might adding a blacklist for not triggered enties whould help here.

but it looks weird :3

blacklist option looks good...

Zrips commented 7 months ago

@LOURENT4462 This is strange as armor stands gets filtered out from combat, atleast in normal situations. Is there any other plugins managing armor stands which could create seamingly "alive" armor stands which could be identified as alive monster? And does it trigger pvp or pve combat mode?

LOURENT4462 commented 7 months ago

@LOURENT4462 This is strange as armor stands gets filtered out from combat, atleast in normal situations. Is there any other plugins managing armor stands which could create seamingly "alive" armor stands which could be identified as alive monster? And does it trigger pvp or pve combat mode?

"Is there any other plugins managing armor stands which could create seamingly "alive" armor stands which could be identified as alive monster?" There isn't any

"And does it trigger pvp or pve combat mode?" pve