Zrips / CMI

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Selection Visualizer: Not working on 1.8 and other problems #8780

Open Henriiig opened 1 month ago

Henriiig commented 1 month ago

Description of Issue

I was told by Floris to post my issue here. So basicly particles are not shown in 1.8, everything else seems to be working just fine. Check how particles where handled then, because they made some changes "recently".

Also how do I disable default players from using "/svis gui" and "/svis toggle". You should add a permision or setting to disable these for player without the permission.

On last thing is that it is very annoying and unecessary to show the messages "'&cThis type of visualizer is disabled. Enable it throw GUI!'" because they you can't use the disabled option without getting spammed!. Please consider changing this and your plugin will become much better.

Version Information

[16:50:11 INFO]: --------------------------------------------------
[16:50:11 INFO]: CMI: BungeeCord CMIB  SqLite
[16:50:11 INFO]: CMILib: 
[16:50:11 INFO]: Server: Spigot 1.8.8-R0.1-
[16:50:11 INFO]: CMI economy: Enabled Vault: 1.7.3-CMI CMI Chat: Enabled 
[16:50:11 INFO]: Modules -> 24 enabled 35 disabled: spawnerProximity, mirror, tablist, armorEffects, moneyCheque, noTarget, elytraBoost, rideAnimation, elytraLaunch, bossBarCompass, coloredArmor, chatBubble, playerCombat, votifier, shulkerBackpack, headDrop, spawnerCharge, vanish, namePlates, homeInteractions, hpBossBar, launchPad, elytraExploit, afk, anvilRenameColor, jail, spawners, durabilityLoss, kits, flightCharge, deathMessages, disabledEnchants, worldLimitsElytra, ranks, totemBehavior
[16:50:11 INFO]: --------------------------------------------------


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Henriiig commented 1 month ago

Update: I can remove the permission from players by setting "sv.command.gui" and "sv.command.toggle" to false But now im getting "Missing locale for info.NoPermission" in chat when trying to use these. You might want to fixe this aswell.