Zrips / CMI

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[1.8.8] CMI Chat breaks MC chat #8793

Closed elythh closed 3 weeks ago

elythh commented 1 month ago

Description of Issue

When installing CMI on my 1.8.8 Minecraft server, the chat is broken. It doesn't matter if I enable or not chat formatting image

Version Information

Server: Spigot.1.8.8-R0-1-SNAPSHOT-
CMI Economy: Disabled CMI Chat: Disabled


No error

Relevant Config Sections

Default config

Relevant Plugins

No response


Zrips commented 1 month ago

Make sure that you have ModifyChatFormat is disabled in chat.yml file. What chat plugin are you using for your general chat messages? As this should not happen with regular setup, so it looks to be 3rd party interference or compatibility issue