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ShulkerBackpack module doesn't work when the shulker box is empty #8799

Closed Lia-LV closed 1 month ago

Lia-LV commented 1 month ago

Description of Issue

ShulkerBackpack module doesn't work when the shulker box is empty. so I can't open empty shulker box with Shift + Right Click.

Version Information

Server: Paper(2218) 1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT+
and votifier module is disabled.


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CloudeLecaw commented 1 month ago

can you try if you need to place and break it once before...it works?

i renember this old bug from older versions..

Lia-LV commented 1 month ago

can you try if you need to place and break it once before...it works?

i renember this old bug from older versions..

It's the same after place and break it and using again. If the shulker box is empty, it never works.

Zrips commented 1 month ago

@Lia-LV Your provided server version doesn't match actual version, highest one for 1.20.6 is #131 while you provided #2218. Could you provide output from /cmi version?

Lia-LV commented 1 month ago

@Lia-LV Your provided server version doesn't match actual version, highest one for 1.20.6 is #131 while you provided #2218. Could you provide output from /cmi version?

CMI: SqLite CMILib: Server: Paper(2218) 1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT+ CMI economy: Enabled Vault: 1.7.3-CMI CMI Chat: Disabled Modules -> 58 enabled 1 disabled: votifier

This is output from /cmi version, 2218 maybe cuz I'm using fork of paper, purpur.

Zrips commented 1 month ago

Ok, found an issue, should be resolved with next update

CloudeLecaw commented 1 month ago

@Lia-LV Your provided server version doesn't match actual version, highest one for 1.20.6 is #131 while you provided #2218. Could you provide output from /cmi version?

CMI: SqLite CMILib: Server: Paper(2218) 1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT+ CMI economy: Enabled Vault: 1.7.3-CMI CMI Chat: Disabled Modules -> 58 enabled 1 disabled: votifier

This is output from /cmi version, 2218 maybe cuz I'm using fork of paper, purpur.

awww not very nice if pupurs tells about hisself to be paper. its a fork that not is offical supported by cmi. so asume some bugs.

well lucky you zrips seems to found something so it might work on pupur too woth next Update.