Zrips / CMI

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Bug with the /seen and vanish #8852

Closed NoltoxGit closed 2 weeks ago

NoltoxGit commented 2 weeks ago

Description of Issue

Hi there, I've just noticed an annoying bug with the command /cmi seen (Player).


When a staff goes into vanish, the time displayed in /seen is wrong.


A staff member has been online for 1h 11min. It goes into vanish and is then marked as having been offline for 1h 13min.


Make it so that when a staff goes into vanish, it looks as if it is disconnecting, i.e. display "offline since 1sec".

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Version Information

CMI: Velocity CMIB MySQL
Server: Purpur(2176) 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-
CMI economy: Activée Vault: 1.7.3-CMI CMI Chat: Désactivée
Modules -> 33 enabled 33 disabled: spawnerProximity, cuffed, mirror, tablist, armorEffects, moneyCheque, elytraBoost, elytraLaunch, bossBarCompass, chatBubble, votifier, headDrop, spawnerCharge, vanish, homeInteractions, hpBossBar, anvilRenameColor, jail, spawners, nightSpeedup, dynamicSigns, playerChatTag, durabilityLoss, deathMessages, teleportWith, disabledEnchants, worldLimitsElytra, worldLimits, ranks, sitAnimation, silentChest, warmup, totemBehavior


No errors.

Relevant Config Sections

I haven't tested this bug with CMI's "Vanish" module, as I use PremiumVanish to manage vanish on my server.

Relevant Plugins

PremiumVanish 2.9.10


Zrips commented 2 weeks ago

Issue is that we don't really have reference point from when player went into vanish mode if you are using 3rd party vanish plugin, so our best bet is to just use players last login time. While using CMI vanish we are properly indicating offline time to be from the moment player enters vanish mode. As inconvenient it is, not much we can do about it at this point as it would need direct support for all vanish plugins out there, which is really not a good solution to have.