Zrips / CMI

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1.21 Enchantment Command Mismatch #8859

Closed key1313 closed 4 days ago

key1313 commented 1 week ago

Description of Issue

Using the /cmi enchant command with the new enchantments (Windburst, Breach, Density) will result in the item being enchanted to receive the incorrect enchantment. When using the command to enchant the items with the enchants that actually got applied by the plugin (Swiftsneak, Thorns, Unbreaking) it also results in mismatched names in chat. Medal_mtifsHmYZO Medal_ySIanrJxgX Medal_iD9ZaZUfN3

Version Information

CMI: SqLite
Server: Paper(26) 1.21-R0.1-SNAPSHOT+
CMI economy: Enabled CMI Chat: Disabled 
Modules -> 65 enabled 1 disabled: votifier


No console errors

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Zrips commented 4 days ago

Will be fixed with next CMILib update