Zrips / CMI

111 stars 98 forks source link

cmi openbook command broken #8873

Closed ScuroK closed 4 days ago

ScuroK commented 1 week ago

Description of Issue

The command "cmi openbook" does not work anymore. can you please fix it?

Version Information

[17:50:49 INFO]: CMI plugin version: SqLite
[17:50:49 INFO]: CMILib:
[17:50:49 INFO]: Server: Paper(147) 1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT+
[17:50:49 INFO]: CMI economy: Enabled Vault: 1.7.3-CMI CMI Chat: Enabled
[17:50:49 INFO]: Modules -> 48 enabled 18 disabled: hpBossBar, mirror, moneyCheque, skin, noTarget, elytraBoost, paintingEditor, playerChatTag, elytraLaunch, durabilityLoss, bossBarCompass, coloredArmor, disabledEnchants, votifier, shulkerBackpack, headDrop, spawnerCharge, totemBehavior


No response

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Truongvv10 commented 1 week ago

I can confirm that this is not working

Zrips commented 4 days ago

Will be fixed with next update