Basically if you place a zombie spawner underwater you bypass the spawner protection, as they transform in drowned
Same for the new snnow block in 1.17, place these near the skeleton spawner and it transforms skeletons into husk and they lose the antiexploit protection
Jobs version:
Server Type (Spigot/Paper/etc):
Server Version (using /ver):
1.17.1 - 249
*Detailed description of the issue:
Basically if you place a zombie spawner underwater you bypass the spawner protection, as they transform in drowned
Same for the new snnow block in 1.17, place these near the skeleton spawner and it transforms skeletons into husk and they lose the antiexploit protection
Jobs version:
Server Type (Spigot/Paper/etc): Paper Server Version (using
): 1.17.1 - 249