Zrips / Residence

Residence Bukkit Plugin
134 stars 85 forks source link

After removing residence, player cannot create another till server restart #1158

Open pjindras opened 5 months ago

pjindras commented 5 months ago

Hello, we have an issue with residence plugin, when player creates a new residence, he cannot create another one (because limit), until server restart. Maybe the residence is not removed properly and is fully removed after server restart.

Zrips commented 3 months ago

Without knowing how residence is being removed for the player its hard to say what's going on in your situation. Did player used basic /res remove command or something else?

pjindras commented 3 months ago

It was made via /res remove + /res confirm

Zrips commented 3 weeks ago

Retested everything once more, can't reproduce your issue and doesn't look like anyone else is having it. Would suggest to retest this without any other plugin and double check console if there are any errors in console when trying to remove players residence record in case there was an issue with that process and it wasn't performed fully

pjindras commented 3 weeks ago

We will make test if the issue presists and I will let you know