Zrips / Residence

Residence Bukkit Plugin
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MaxUpDown bug #1166

Closed cloudwww closed 3 months ago

cloudwww commented 4 months ago

I set the MaxUpDown of the plug-in to 40, then restarted the server and selected areas with heights of 38, 39, and 40. The plug-in will prompt that it is too high, but if it is less than or equal to 37, it can be created. 我将插件的MaxUpDown设置为40,然后重启了服务器,选择了高度为38、39、40的区域,插件会提示过高,但是小于等于37的话,就能够创建

Plugin: The selection height (38) is too large, the value must be 40 or less 插件表示:38 > 40


version: paper-1.20.4-493 Residence5.1.4.3 CMILib1.4.6.3

This is my groups.yml:

       # Determins if this group can create residences or not.  This option can be overriden with the permissions node 'residence.create'
       CanCreate: true
       # The maximum number of Residences a player can have.
       MaxResidences: 4
       # The maximum number of physical areas a residence can have.
       MaxAreasPerResidence: 2
       # The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, East to West (X).
       MaxEastWest: 50
       # (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence can be, East to West (X).
       MinEastWest: 3
       # The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, North to South (Z).
       MaxNorthSouth: 50
       # (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence can be, North to South (Z).
       MinNorthSouth: 3
       # The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, High to Low (Y).
       MaxUpDown: 40
       # (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence can be, High to Low (Y).
       MinUpDown: 3
       # The lowest altitude this group is allowed to protect.
       MinHeight: -64
       # The highest altitude this group is allowed to protect.
       MaxHeight: 320
        # The maximum amount of subzones can current area have.
       MaxSubzonesInArea: 3
        # The maximum recursive depth that subzones can go.
        # A subzone within a subzone within the Residence zone would be a depth of 2.
        # Set to 0 to disable subzones.
       SubzoneDepth: 3
       # (Optional) The maximum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, East to West (X).
       SubzoneMaxEastWest: 16
       # (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, East to West (X).
       SubzoneMinEastWest: 3
       # (Optional) The maximum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, North to South (Z).
       SubzoneMaxNorthSouth: 16
       # (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, North to South (Z).
       SubzoneMinNorthSouth: 3
       # (Optional) The maximum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, High to Low (Y).
       SubzoneMaxUpDown: 320
       # (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, High to Low (Y).
       SubzoneMinUpDown: 3
       # Whether or not to allow teleporting to Residences.
       CanTeleport: true
       # Allow or Disallow the use of /res unstuck, to get yourself out of a residence if stuck in one somehow
       Unstuck: true
       # Allow or Disallow the use of /res kick, to kick player from residence.
       Kick: False
       # Allow or Disallow the use of the /res select command, if disabled they can only use the selection tool.
       SelectCommandAccess: false
       # Allow or Disallow the group to access the Blacklist/Ignorelist for residences they own.
       ItemListAccess: true
Zrips commented 3 months ago
