Zrips / Residence

Residence Bukkit Plugin
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Disabling res tp in specific world #1202

Closed pjindras closed 1 month ago

pjindras commented 1 month ago

Hello, please how to disable /res tp into all residences in a specific world? I tried:

            survival_nether: #or you can apply them by each individual world
                 move: true
            mobarena: #or you can apply them by each individual world
                 CanTeleport: false
                 chorustp: false
                 enderpearl: false
                 tp: false
            Pevnost: #or you can apply them by each individual world
                 CanTeleport: false
                 chorustp: false
                 enderpearl: false
                 tp: false

in groups.yml but it is not working

Zrips commented 1 month ago

This section would only disable defined flag usage in those worlds and not things like teleporting to residence in that world. You want to prevent teleportation to residences located in specific world? If this is the case then I can add option to define worlds which would disable teleportation to residences which are located in those worlds, just keep in mind that this would only block /res tp command and not general teleportation from 3rd party plugins 02ec4118dd9ffcdc612596e1e7313b54fb359e5b