Open Neoner161 opened 3 years ago
UUIDConvertion: false
OfflineMode: false
versionCheck: true
Language: Czech
SelectionToolId: 290 Selection:
IgnoreY: false
# When this set to true, selections inside existing residence will be from bottom to top of that residence
# When this set to false, selections inside existing residence will be exactly as they are
IgnoreYInSubzone: false
# Defines height of nether when creating residences. This mostly applies when performing commands like /res select vert or /res auto which will expand residence to defined height
# This cant be higher than 255 or lower than 1
netherHeight: 128
# By setting this to true, player will only pay for x*z blocks ignoring height
# This will lower residence price by up to 255 times, so adjust block price BEFORE enabling this
NoCostForYBlocks: false
InfoToolId: 287 Optimizations:
# When this is set to false and CanTeleport set to false, players will not have option to teleport to other player residences, only to their own
# When this is set to true and CanTeleport set to false, players will not have option to teleport to residences in general
# Keep in mind that this only applies for commands like /res tp
CanTeleportIncludeOwner: false
# Name of your main residence world. Usually normal starting world 'World'. Capitalization essential
DefaultWorld: world
# List Of Worlds where this plugin is disabled
List: []
# Disables all listeners in included worlds
DisableListeners: true
# Disabled any command usage in included worlds
DisableCommands: true
# Delay in seconds between item pickups after residence flag prevents it
# Keep it at arround 10 sec to lower unesecery checks
ItemPickUpDelay: 10
# When set to true /res auto command will check for new area collision with other residences to avoid overlapping.
# Set it to false to gain some performace but new residence can often overlap with old ones
CheckCollision: true
# Defines new residence name increment when using automatic residence creation command if residence with that name already exist
IncrementFormat: _[number]
# Enables or disables chat modification by including players main residence name
Enabled: false
# Modifys chat to add chat titles. If you're using a chat manager, you may add the tag {residence} to your chat format and disable this.
SelfModify: true
Format: '&c[&e%1&c]'
# When this set to true, any teleportation to residence where player dont have tp flag, action will be denyied
# This can prevent from teleporting players to residence with 3rd party plugins like esentials /tpa
BlockAnyTeleportation: true
# By setting this to true, regular pvp flag will be acting as overridepvp flag
# Overridepvp flag tries to ignore any pvp protection in that residence by any other plugin
OverridePvp: false
# By setting this to true, when player kicks another player from residence, he will be teleported to this location instead of getting outside residence
Use: false
World: world
X: 0.5
Y: 63.0
Z: 0.5
# Less than 0 - head up, more than 0 - head down. Range from -90 to 90
Pitch: 0.0
# Head position to left and right. Range from -180 to 180
Yaw: 0.0
# Used when players fly state is being turned to false because of fly flag and there is no solid land where to land for player
World: world
X: 0.5
Y: 63.0
Z: 0.5
# Less than 0 - head up, more than 0 - head down. Range from -90 to 90
Pitch: 0.0
# Head position to left and right. Range from -180 to 180
Yaw: 0.0
# By setting this to true, when checking residence info with /res info, you will get only names in list, by hovering on them, you will get flag list
ShortInformation: false
# When set to true default residence flags set in flags.yml file will get excluded from info command output and will not be shown
# If flag gets different state then it will be shown
ExcludeDefaultFlags: false
# Range players can vote to, by default its from 0 to 10 points
RangeFrom: 0
RangeTo: 10
# If this true, players can only give like for shop instead of point voting
OnlyLike: false
# If this true, flag changes throw GUI will be recorded in console
ShowFlagChanges: true
# How often in seconds to heal/feed players in residence with appropriate flag
# Bigger numbers can save some resources
Heal: 0
Feed: 0
# Potions containing one of thos effects will be ignored if residence dont have pvp true flag set
- blindness
- confusion
- harm
- hunger
- poison
- slow
- slow_digging
- weakness
- wither
- slowness
- instant_damage
- poison
- slowness
# Defines speed for particular wspeed1 and wspeed2 flags. It can be from 0 up to 5
'1': 0.5
'2': 2.0
MoveCheckInterval: 500 Tp:
# Use 0 to disable
TeleportDelay: 3
# Show aditional message in title message area when player is teleporting to residence
TeleportTitleMessage: true
RandomTeleportation: Worlds:
Enabled: true
# Max coordinate to teleport, setting to 1000, player can be teleported between -1000 and 1000 coordinates
MaxCoord: 1000
# If maxcoord set to 1000 and mincoord to 500, then player can be teleported between -1000 to -500 and 500 to 1000 coordinates
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
# World name to use this feature. Add annother one with appropriate name to enable random teleportation
Enabled: true
# Max coordinate to teleport, setting to 1000, player can be teleported between -1000 and 1000 coordinates
MaxCoord: 1000
# If maxcoord set to 1000 and mincoord to 500, then player can be teleported between -1000 to -500 and 500 to 1000 coordinates
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
# World name to use this feature. Add annother one with appropriate name to enable random teleportation
Enabled: true
# Max coordinate to teleport, setting to 1000, player can be teleported between -1000 and 1000 coordinates
MaxCoord: 1000
# If maxcoord set to 1000 and mincoord to 500, then player can be teleported between -1000 to -500 and 500 to 1000 coordinates
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
# World name to use this feature. Add annother one with appropriate name to enable random teleportation
Enabled: true
# Max coordinate to teleport, setting to 1000, player can be teleported between -1000 and 1000 coordinates
MaxCoord: 1000
# If maxcoord set to 1000 and mincoord to 500, then player can be teleported between -1000 to -500 and 500 to 1000 coordinates
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
# World name to use this feature. Add annother one with appropriate name to enable random teleportation
Enabled: true
# Max coordinate to teleport, setting to 1000, player can be teleported between -1000 and 1000 coordinates
MaxCoord: 1000
# If maxcoord set to 1000 and mincoord to 500, then player can be teleported between -1000 to -500 and 500 to 1000 coordinates
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Enabled: true
MaxCoord: 1000
MinCoord: 500
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
# How long force player to wait before using command again.
Cooldown: 5
# How many times to try find correct location for teleportation.
# Keep it at low number, as player always can try again after delay
MaxTries: 20
SaveInterval: 1
NewSaveMechanic: true Backup: AutoCleanUp:
Use: false
Days: 30
# Do you want to backup files by creating zip files in main residence folder in backup folder
# This wont have effect on regular backuped files made in save folder
UseZip: true
Worlds: true
forsale: true
leases: true
permlists: true
rent: true
flags: true
groups: true
config: true
# Players can bypass this with residence.cleanbypass permission node
Use: false
# For how long player should be offline to delete hes residence
Days: 60
# Do you want to regenerate old residence area
# This requires world edit to be present
Regenerate: false
# Worlds to be included in check list
- world
OnDelete: true
# Removes lwc protection from all defined objects when buying residence
OnBuy: true
# Removes lwc protection from all defined objects when unrenting residence
OnUnrent: true
# List of blocks you want to remove protection from
- furnace
- dispenser
AntiGreef: TNT:
# This will allow mining with tnt and more vanilla play
ExplodeBelow: false
level: 62
# When set to true will allow Creeper explode below 62 (default) level outside of residence
# This will give more realistic game play
ExplodeBelow: false
level: 62
# Level from which one to start lava and water flow blocking
# This dont have effect in residence area
Level: 63
# With this set to true, lava flow outside residence is blocked
NoLavaFlow: true
# With this set to true, water flow outside residence is blocked
NoWaterFlow: true
- world
# Level from which one to start block lava and water place
# This don't have effect in residence area
Level: 63
# With this set to true, playrs cant place lava outside residence
NoLavaPlace: true
# With this set to true, playrs cant place water outside residence
NoWaterPlace: true
- world
# With this set to true, falling blocks will be deleted if they will land in different area
Use: true
# Level from which one to start block block's fall
# This don't have effect in residence area or outside
Level: 62
- world
# With this set to true, after player removes its residence, all blocks listed below, will be replaced with air blocks
# Effective way to prevent residence creating near greefing target and then remove it
# ATTENTION! Bigger residence areas could want to create bigger loads on server when cleaning up areas. So dont use this if regular player have access to huge residences. 15 million blocks would be a max limit
Use: false
# Level from whichone you want to replace blocks
Level: 63
# Block list to be replaced
# By default only water and lava will be replaced
- world
# By setting this to true flags from list will be protected from change while there is some one inside residence besides owner
# Protects in example from people inviting some one and changing pvp flag to true to kill them
Prevent: true
- pvp
DefaultGroup: default
UseLeaseSystem: false
DateFormat: E yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz
DateFormatShort: MM.dd hh:mm
TimeZone: Europe/Prague
ResMoneyBack: false
LeaseCheckInterval: 10
LeaseAutoRenew: true
EnablePermissions: true
LegacyPermissions: false
EnableEconomy: true
Type: None
ExtraEnterMessage: true Sell:
Subzone: false
EnableRentSystem: false Rent:
PreventRemoval: true
# When set to true residence rent can be renewed from residence bank
DeductFromBank: false
# When set to true residence rent can be renewed from residence bank and if there is not enough money then we will deduct rest of it from player
# This will override behavior of DeductFromBank
DeductFromBankThenPlayer: false
# Informs players on rent time ending
OnEnding: true
# Time range in minutes when to start informing about ending rent
Before: 1440
# Time range in seconds for how long to wait after player logs in to inform about ending rents
Delay: 60
# Default values used when putting residence for rent
AllowRenewing: true
StayInMarket: true
AllowAutoPay: true
# If set to true, when player is not defining auto pay on renting, then this value will be used
PlayerAutoPay: true
# EXPERIMENTAL!!! If set to true, residence will be restored to state it was when backup flag was set to true
# For securoty reassons only players with aditional residence.backup permission node can set backup flag
RestoreAfterRentEnds: true
# When set to true, area state will be saved only when setting backup to true value
# When set to false, area state will be saved before each renting to have always up to date area look
# Keep in mind that when its set to false, there is slightly bigger server load as it has to save area each time when some one rents it
SaveOnFlagChange: true
RentCheckInterval: 10
ResidenceChatEnable: true Messages:
# TitleBar can have %subtitle% variable to define second line
GeneralMessages: ActionBar
ActionBar: ShowOnSelection: true
ResidenceChatColor: DARK_PURPLE ResidenceChatPrefixLength: 16
AdminOnlyCommands: false
AdminOPs: true
AdminFullAccess: false
MultiWorldPlugin: Multiverse-Core
ResidenceFlagsInherit: true
PreventRentModify: true
PreventSubZoneRemoval: true
StopOnSaveFault: true ResidenceNameRegex: '[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]'
ShowIntervalMessages: false
ShowNoobMessage: true
NewPlayer: Use: false
# By setting to false, money will be taken from player, if he has them
Free: true
# Range from placed chest o both sides. By setting to 5, residence will be 5+5+1 = 11 blocks wide
X: 5
Y: 5
Z: 5
6000 Visualizer:
Use: true
Range: 16
ShowFor: 5000
updateInterval: 20
RowSpacing: 2
CollumnSpacing: 2
SkipBy: 5
FrameCap: 500
SidesCap: 2000
Selected: Frame: happyVillager Sides: reddust Overlap: Frame: FLAME Sides: FLAME
EnterAnimation: true
BounceAnimation: true GUI:
Enabled: true
setTrue: Id: 35 Data: 13
setFalse: Id: 35 Data: 14
setRemove: Id: 35 Data: 8
AutoMobRemoval: Use: false
Interval: 3 EnforceAreaInsideArea: false EnableSpout: false EnableLeaseMoneyAccount: true
Couldroncompatibility: false DynMap:
Use: true
HideByDefault: false
ShowFlags: true
HideHidden: true Layer:
3dRegions: true
SubZoneDepth: 2 Border:
Color: '#FF0000'
Opacity: 0.3
Weight: 3 Fill: Opacity: 0.3 Color: '#FFFF00' ForRent: '#33cc33' Rented: '#99ff33' ForSale: '#0066ff'
VisibleRegions: []
HiddenRegions: []
Enabled: false
PreTimer: 120
Timer: 120
Cooldown: 79200
PlayerCooldown: 79200 Allow: Attacker:
blockBreak: true
blockPlace: true Defender:
blockBreak: true
blockPlace: true
Teleport: false
containerUsage: false
FriendlyFire: true
Hello, i have problem with CustomContainers, it won't work, can someone please help me?