Zrips / TradeMeAddon

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MMOCore Level Support [FEATURE] #29

Open kiloRs opened 4 years ago

kiloRs commented 4 years ago

I am requesting support for MMOCore levels (mainly profession levels). MMOCore does allow custom professions though, so thats something to keep in mind. However, they seem to have a very versatile API. Also, They have Attribute Points, Skill Points, and Class Points. Being able to trade them would definately make your plugin more popular, as there is currently a huge demand for such things.

kiloRs commented 3 years ago

Also, MMOItem support (idk if special items need different support) as they use a fully custom way of making items using NBT

kiloRs commented 3 years ago

Two weeks have gone by with no response... Not looking good.

Zrips commented 3 years ago

Just because there was no response doesn't mean it wasn't looked at. There are some what more important things i need to sort out before adding new trading methods. Will check it out.

kiloRs commented 3 years ago

I mean Ive gone through the API, and being able to trade MMOCore stats don't seem THAT hard to implement, so im hoping it can take your time soon. As, you have so many other methods of trade. It would just benifit me, and alot of others. CUrrently, no trade systems exist that support MMOItems/Core. So I would truely appreciate it, as, its a feature greatly lacking in the plugins.

Thanks for your time, and I apologize for seeming like im nagging or ungrateful. I understand you have other commitments, this would just mean alot to me. Thank you

Zrips commented 3 years ago

@kiloRs Can you elaborate more on all of those features? I never used this plugin and adding support for the features which can have quite few things which needs to be taken into consideration is quite long process. What i mean, is something like limitations in trades, max amount of trade able points and so on. More information you could provide for each feature and each trade mode, i can faster implement it with less possible future issues.

kiloRs commented 3 years ago

Well, Attribute Points, Class Points and Skill points are pretty important, as they allow players to unlock higher stats ect... so maybe an option to be able to limit the trade (or atleast, keep an option to be able to disable them?) But the Profession Levels and Class Level trading, I mean, I can see ways where it would be very important to be able to limit this trading some how, however, I need to think what possible limitations can be. I mean I'll try to think what the best way to limit it would be, because a max would PROBABLY be a very important part, is it possible to put a cooldown on it? Or possible to do a cooldown, and also check if the recieving player already has points? I'll spend some time trying to put a good plan together for you.