ZrrSkywalker / MonoDETR

[ICCV 2023] The first DETR model for monocular 3D object detection with depth-guided transformer
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about the augmentation of test set training #45

Open yjy4231 opened 8 months ago

yjy4231 commented 8 months ago
          Hi, thanks for your interest! 

We haven't release the test config yet. The submit version is trained on the full 'trainval.txt' and has less data augmentations as illustrated in the paper. Our result is only trained by 'Car' category for test set. We will complete the code after paper acceptance.

Originally posted by @ZrrSkywalker in https://github.com/ZrrSkywalker/MonoDETR/issues/12#issuecomment-1159518899

I found the corresponding description in your previous paper: image What I understand is that when you train on train set and validate on val set, the data augmentations are: random crop, random flip and photometric distortion. when you train on trainval set and submit to benchmark, the data augmentations are: random flip and photometric distortion? Do I understand correctly?

  1. If my understanding is correct, why training on trainval set not using the random crop data augmentation?