Originally posted by **Fraser35** September 6, 2023
As a team, we want to compare previous estimations when sizing something new, but generally more recent estimations will be more relevant than older ones. It would be great to have the default sorting from Newest to Oldest, or even better to be able to select what sorting to be used (a bit like the sorting available on the backlog, but probably with different options)
Acceptance Criteria
By default, the stories within the columns of the Estimation Matrix are sorted. Newest on top. (creation date descending)
user can cllick a "Sort Button" on the top right corner of the Estimation Matrix, next to "Include Trashed stories".
On click, a dropdown appears with 4 sort options
Title A-Z
Title Z-A
The stories within the columns of the Estimation Matrix get sorted accordingly
Discussed in https://github.com/Zuehlke/poinz/discussions/369
Acceptance Criteria