Zuhkov / docker-containers

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Observium container setup #9

Open JayVDZ opened 7 years ago

JayVDZ commented 7 years ago

Hi, sorry, I'm new to Docker containers and Linux admin in general (coming from a Windows world). The Observium container instructions say:

Create your Observium config directory (which will contain both the properties file and the database) and then directories for the logs and RRDs and then launch with the following:

Could you please elaborate on these instructions and explain how to perform them? I'm intending to run this on a Synology NAS.

ragaar commented 6 years ago

@Amethi creating the observium config directory will follow the basic installation of observium.

It's easier to get this working if you accept the default configurations and leave everything empty so the container is self-contained.

To answer your question, the initial configuration would follow the installation steps provided by Observium[1]. Should be able to download the gunzipped tarball (*.tar.gz), and extract it to the desired location.


  1. http://docs.observium.org/install_debian/#observium-community-edition
ragaar commented 6 years ago

Zuhkov's dockerfile and firstrun.sh make some assumption about the state of the installation and (unfortunately) this container wasn't really designed to encourage a more customized configuration.

The information is out there, and I recommend exploring and manipulating as much as you can. Linux really rewards curiosity.

I'm doing a bit of the same right now, so @Zuhkov feel free to assign this to me.

JayVDZ commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I just had to use the Volume mapping feature in DSM: image