Zulko / moviepy

Video editing with Python
MIT License
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Why did the length of my video change? #1996

Closed Lucky-Jay closed 1 year ago

Lucky-Jay commented 1 year ago

You can check the output, the length of my video changed after reading and writing directly

from moviepy.editor import *

video = VideoFileClip('temp.mp4') video.write_videofile('result.mp4', ) video2 = VideoFileClip('result.mp4') print(video.duration, video2.duration)


keikoro commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue as it's missing information we request when creating new issues: specs like MoviePy version, platform used etc. and/or useful code samples for reproducability and/or complete logs for errors where applicable (code-formatted text only, no screenshots).

We can reopen the issue once you've updated it. Please be aware you should always try to work with the latest master of MoviePy where possible, not the last PyPI release, which is quite old.