Zulko / moviepy

Video editing with Python
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TextClip doesn't work with slide_in and slide_out? #2009

Open PixelNinja132 opened 12 months ago

PixelNinja132 commented 12 months ago

This is my code:

from moviepy import *

image_clips = []

image_clips.append(TextClip("Hello world", fontsize = 64, color = 'white', bg_color = 'transparent', method='caption', size = (W-200, 0), stroke_width=4, stroke_color="#111", kerning=-4, font='./assets/FiraSans-Black.ttf').set_duration(2).set_position("center").slide_in(0.2, "left").slide_out(0.2, "right"))

And it gives the error:

AttributeError: 'TextClip' object has no attribute 'slide_in'

Is this just not a thing for text? Thanks

TheHimanshuRastogi commented 12 months ago

You can't move/slide text like this, you'll have to learn numpy for this to make custom animations, an example of custom animation is this.