Zulko / moviepy

Video editing with Python
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Support for specific workflows and automation for various movie genres in moviepy? #2048

Open xanmankey opened 9 months ago

xanmankey commented 9 months ago

This is a follow up on https://github.com/Zulko/moviepy/discussions/2046#discussion-5701521. It's an example of how I envisioned templates, sections, and automation using moviepy. I'm not certain as to whether the actual implementation belongs in a forked version of the library or the main library itself, but I suppose it could be implemented in a fork and then merged over if successful. The basic idea is as follows:

In the /workflows directory:

In the /workflows/automaters directory:

In the /workflows/sections Implementations of Section (an unimplemented version, MusicSection, can be found, which will ideally eventually be implemented to determine different orientations depending on factors such as the number of videos in the section, the most prominent waveform/the extent of the most prominent waveform, and various other factors)

In the /workflows/templates directory:

I think if it were to be implemented in this way, it would be accommodating for contribution to different genres of videos as well as different workflows without diluting the core implementation of the library. I'm not sure where the community or maintainers stand on this, which is why I left things unimplemented in places; I think this kind of support could really bolster Moviepy as a library and help contribute to reducing overhead in various video genres, but it would be a fairly large addition and thus should be open to debate. I hope this at least gets the ball rolling though and can help dictate what the next steps should be!

keikoro commented 4 months ago

This is just a heads-up that no-one really monitors the discussion board, so I'm not sure anyone has seen your post there.

We (admins) are also really low on resources, so I can't tell you when (if) anyone will have time to read through what sounds like a proposal for a new feature (?!) – sorry. |: