Zulko / moviepy

Video editing with Python
MIT License
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'set_position' not working properly with variable having number but working when passing static number #2078

Closed pankajmcs closed 4 months ago

pankajmcs commented 7 months ago

Hi, Actually I am creating video clip by stiching multiple image clips with slide effect, for effect I am using Lambda when passing static numbers at x,y position all works fine but when I am passing custom variable with proper int type at x,y cordinates its not working properly, kindly let me what causing this issue. Code: slide1 = ImageClip(img.jpg ,duration=3).set_duration(3).set_start(timer 3 ).set_position(lambda t: ( 50 + (300-25)(t/1) if (50 + (300-20)*(t/1) < xPos1) else xPos1,yPos1)).crossfadein(.5).fx(normalize_image)

SohamTilekar commented 6 months ago

Bro Same Problem I have a Solution. #2084 Bug Bug Report Hase the jugad(Temporary Solution) for the Problem

keikoro commented 4 months ago

Closing as duplicate of the linked issue. Thx, @SohamTilekar for pointing it out.