Zverik / whodidit

OpenStreetMap Changeset Analyzer
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Make smallest boxes smaller? #14

Closed daganzdaanda closed 9 years ago

daganzdaanda commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to make the smallest box size even smaller? In dense cities, this would help to find a changeset more quickly. But I don't know what the computing cost of smaller minimum boxes is, maybe it would slow things down too much?

Zverik commented 9 years ago

Tile size is configurable, so it is possible to make boxes smaller. But for the whole world, it would make the database at least 10 times bigger, losing the point of whodidit: having a change tracking tool that doesn't require much resources.

daganzdaanda commented 9 years ago

Ouch, that's what I was afraid of. Nevermind then, thank you!