TransientGenerator objects are now serializable as pickle files and can be reloaded (to repeat the exact same simulation)
SurveyPlan.cadence renamed to pointings (cadence still works but will be deprecated)
ZP can be varied between pointings
Comment column added to SurveyPlan.pointings, e.g. to allow tracking different observing programs like MSIP, fast-g, TOO.
New SED sources: black body parameterized by distance, radius, and temperature (the latter two as functions of time) and simple source based on flux normalization and spectral index as functions of time
More models (Hsiao Ia, Nugent CC and expanding black body) are now available through options of TransientGenerator (examples will be added to the repo's wiki soon)
LightcurveCollection now filters out SNe that did not pass the threshold and collects simple stats (e.g. phase of detection, time between detection and last non-detection)
Simulation parameters for all transients in observed fields now saved (but not all LCs)
SNIaGenerator removed
Filter functions added to LightcurveCollection (This will create new Lightcurve collection based func that can modify the Lightcurve, e.g. to throw out certain epochs. This can also be used to filter by redshift etc..)
LightcurveCollection objects can be saved as tarballs of fits tables. (It cannot be loaded from this format though.)