Zxynine / EvenBetterComments

My take on the better-comments extension which incorporates many pull requests and multi tag definitions
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A way to get an overview, filter and jump to the relevant comment #2

Open Fred-Vatin opened 1 year ago

Fred-Vatin commented 1 year ago

Maybe it would be possible to add the tags in the list of symbols to jump to through DocumentSymbolProvider.

Check out this issue to get comments of a file according to its language.

After that, it would make it possible to add a panel listing them. Inspirations from TODO List and Todo Tree image image

With this, tags should be available in outline and breadcrumbs and through the palette with @. A command to only list tags from the extension in the palette would be useful so we could run a fuzzy query to filter and jump.

Zxynine commented 1 year ago

This is a great Idea, I have recently been playing around with vscode treeviews so possibly may be able to get this to work.

On a side note, in that issue you linked, you do know that I have a comment two up from yours right lol. I have clicked on every link in that issue and learned about all I can from it, it was actually what let me to doing tokenisation on this addon in the first place.

Anyways, ill look into that over that soon and will be messing around with seeing if it can be added.

Fred-Vatin commented 1 year ago

On a side note, in that https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/580, you do know that I have a comment two up from yours right lol.

I even liked this comment 😅I should have searched for your @ in comments.

I love the mark jump extension. Very fast and efficient way to list and search your mark. I used to use it to quickly jump in my mark in comments. Unfortunately, it was tedious to set because it doesn’t read the language config to detect comment symboles. Hence user has to tweak a general regex for every use case. It worked to some extent.