Zygo / bees

Best-Effort Extent-Same, a btrfs dedupe agent
GNU General Public License v3.0
630 stars 57 forks source link

systemd error messages #202

Open gin66 opened 2 years ago

gin66 commented 2 years ago

Have installed bees on

root@nuc1:~# uname -a
Linux nuc1 5.13.0-20-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 15 14:21:35 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
nuc1~/src/bees[master ↑1|✔]  % lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 21.10
Release:        21.10
Codename:       impish

and let it run on an external 5TB hard disc:

root@nuc1:~# df /S5TB/
Filesystem        1K-blocks       Used  Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/S5TB 4883754160 2966403872 1917304192  61% /S5TB

Currently using the version from Wednesday:

commit 596f2c7dbfabf7e64a64b99b0204a8eb85df1b57 (HEAD -> master, jk/master)
Author: gin66 <5549373+gin66@users.noreply.github.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 31 10:41:56 2021 +0100

    Remove duplicated //etc for make install

    install -Dm644 scripts/beesd.conf.sample $(DESTDIR)/$(ETC_PREFIX)/bees/beesd.conf.sample
    will  expand to //etc/bees/beesd.conf.sample. This patch removes the duplicated /

There are many exceptions logged from journalctl -fu beesd@391a3009-a0e2-4fe2-bff9-19bad978fdad

Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93354]: *** EXCEPTION ***
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: prealloc extent Extent { begin = 0x0, end = 0x9d4, physical = 0x183bb9cf000, flags = Extent::PREALLOC|FIEMAP_EXTENT_LAST, physical_len = 0x1000, logical_len = 0x1000 }
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93354]:         exception type std::invalid_argument: first_bbd = BeesBlockData { 4K 0x1000 fd = 371 '/run/bees/mnt/391a3009-a0e2-4fe2-bff9-19bad978fdad/#271 (deleted)', data[4096] }, second_bbd = BeesBlockData { 4K 0x0 fd = 174 '/run/bees/mnt/391a3009-a0e2-4fe2-bff9-19bad978fdad/hubic/default/hidrive_jo88ki88backup/7ehpGD3HmXHhQI9ErAQpXiiw/hlcogYP-VWLECDxUWWMDzgQF/sHY3,PW5XgP-ZVztUMbqhOyr/unFmPsjnqxMrDJyCwOlfZXZG2gRLUhrTesf2MBGWIDHRz-', data[4096] } failed constraint check (first_bbd.is_data_equal(second_bbd)) at bees-types.cc:351
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93354]: ***
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: --- BEGIN TRACE --- exception ---
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: checking constraints on BeesRangePair: 2.457K src[0x1000..0x19d4] dst[0x0..0x9d4]
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: src = 371 /run/bees/mnt/391a3009-a0e2-4fe2-bff9-19bad978fdad/#271 (deleted)
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: dst = 175 /run/bees/mnt/391a3009-a0e2-4fe2-bff9-19bad978fdad/hubic/default/hidrive_jo88ki88backup/cn7ualQ85DXzbCbh8QDMtUnx/GWBft7JXqK33wEZ2msRyu19I/hgRrgVzYnfdvBwlUzOqe7gK0/uiHrHUBc50PgTTZqJnlDhNBanjSYV,69aYQKy9nG8RWX50
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: ---  END  TRACE --- exception ---
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: --- BEGIN TRACE --- exception ---
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: Resizing temporary file /run/bees/mnt/391a3009-a0e2-4fe2-bff9-19bad978fdad/#271 (deleted) to 0x1000
Nov 03 11:19:49 nuc1 beesd[93327]: dedup_prealloc[93351]: ---  END  TRACE --- exception ---

Is this known issue ? I understand from another post somewhere, that, even though exceptions are happening, the data on the drive is safe. Correct ?