Zylann / godot_voxel

Voxel module for Godot Engine
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VoxelGeneratorGraph/OutputWeight is inconsistent across time and equivalent method #686

Closed NoTalkOnlyProx closed 3 weeks ago

NoTalkOnlyProx commented 3 weeks ago

Split from https://github.com/Zylann/godot_voxel/issues/685


It would seem that (seemingly) equivalent VoxelGeneratorGraphs produce inconsistent and distinct results when painting texture weights via the OutputWeight node.

I have observed several functionally identical texture weight graphs producing wildly different results, which appear to have randomly distributed weight artifacts.

How to reproduce

  1. Create a new project
  2. Add a VoxelNode, set the generator to VoxelGeneratorGraphs and the mesher to VoxelMesherTransvoxel. Leave the streamer unset. image
  3. The VoxelMesherTransvoxel must have the texturing mode set to TEXTURES_BLEND_4_OVER_16.
  4. Add a material, and for that material, use the provided test shader.
  5. Build one of the generator graphs shown in in the Examples section.
  6. After you create each example, make certain to not only regenerate the terrain, but also remesh it afterwards. On rare occasions, regenerating is not enough.
  7. Please let me know if there is any additional required information for easy reproduction. I think I hopefully covered it all, though!

Test Shader

Here is a simple test shader you can use to reproduce this problem. It just outputs the first three encoded texture weights to RGB channels of albedo.

shader_type spatial;

varying vec4 v_indices;
varying vec4 v_weights;

vec4 decode_8bit_vec4(float v) {
    uint i = floatBitsToUint(v);
    return vec4(
        float(i & uint(0xff)),
        float((i >> uint(8)) & uint(0xff)),
        float((i >> uint(16)) & uint(0xff)),
        float((i >> uint(24)) & uint(0xff)));

void vertex() {
    v_indices = decode_8bit_vec4(CUSTOM1.x);
    v_weights = decode_8bit_vec4(CUSTOM1.y) / 16.0;

void fragment() {
    ALBEDO = v_weights.xyz;

This is adapted from the example here: https://voxel-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/smooth_terrain/#shader

But I changed the divisor from 255 to 16, since encode_weights_to_packed_u16_lossy already divides by 16 inherently.

I have verified manually that that v_indices.x == 0 and v_indices.y == 1 always, so none of what follows is due to index swapping.


Here are a few various equivalent graphs I tried, and their results.

In each case, the goal is to set the weight of channel 0 to 0.5, and the weights of channels 1,2, and 3 to 1.0.

Notes for recreating these:

Direct output of (0.5, 1, 1, 1) using default values on OutputWeight nodes:





Using four constants to output (0.5, 1, 1, 1) via OutputWeight nodes:

The const. values are not shown in the screenshot, but they are 0.5, and 1, 1, 1, to match with the other examples.

Graph: image


I have seen two totally distinct results for this exact graph. Not sure why.

image image

Using four constants with 0 added to output (0.5, 1, 1, 1) viaOutputWeight nodes:

Graph: image Result: image

Using four constants with realtime-derived-0 added to output (0.5, 1, 1, 1) via OutputWeight nodes:

Instead of using the default values in the Add nodes to output 0, in this example I multiply the SDF by zero, and use that result as the 0 constant.

Graph: image image


I am at this point completely speculating, but this does seem like it might be a concurrency issue? That is the only way I can imagine these graphs, which should hypothetically be outputting identical data, are somehow outputting completely different results.

Or am I just crazy? Am I doing something totally wrong here?


Zylann commented 3 weeks ago

Can you please join a minimal test project? It's often better than a lot of (too small) screenshots and text and saves time.

I am at this point completely speculating, but this does seem like it might be a concurrency issue?

For now I don't think it is. I'm rather leaning towards uninitialized memory, miscompilation, or maybe corruption (though if it was the latter you'd have crashes too eventually).

NoTalkOnlyProx commented 3 weeks ago

It's often better than a lot of (too small) screenshots and text and saves time

Oof, I see now that Github absolutely destroyed the resolution of all the screenshots I took.

Can you please join a minimal test project?

I'll try to send something at the earliest time I am able. But in the mean time, the screenshots are actually unnecessary

If you just make a generator graph that outputs a flat terrain, and then add four OutputWeight nodes, set the first one to 0.5/layer 0, and the others to 1.0/layer1,2,3 that will be sufficient to recreate the problem, as long as you also use my shader

NoTalkOnlyProx commented 3 weeks ago

Update: A friend of mine who is able to at the moment just tried to reproduce the steps described here and did NOT reproduce this bug.

So either this is hardware-related, or there is a key step I missed in my instructions. At this point, yeah, it might be better to hold off until I can produce a project

Perhaps it really is an uninitialized buffer somewhere, and on his hardware it "just works", but mine is sensitive to it

Zylann commented 3 weeks ago

If you just make a generator graph that outputs a flat terrain, and then add four OutputWeight nodes, set the first one to 0.5/layer 0, and the others to 1.0/layer1,2,3 that will be sufficient to recreate the problem

So far I did that and noticed something strange going on with the 4th weight output seemingly getting some garbage data from previous tests (I previously generated a sine wave terrain, then tried with weights... and got sine-wave-ish data into the 4th weight; which later turned into a bunch of 1 after resetting things enough times). So I'm trying to isolate the problem at the moment. I'm not too surprised about this though, because these specific output nodes needed some special behavior to work properly, as every other output node is unique, while these are identified by a property. There might be an issue about that somewhere.

Zylann commented 3 weeks ago

I think what's happening is that weight outputs don't properly support range analysis optimization (also known as "use optimized execution map" property in advanced tab). My test doesn't reproduce the bug when that property is turned off, and systematically does when it's on.

When asked for a chunk, the generator figures out that the value of weight output nodes doesn't change, so it skips their operations. That logic works using a short-circuit for SDF outputs, and other unique outputs, but not weight outputs: they still try to access results as if they had been calculated individually, so instead it reads some random memory that was used before by something else.

This is particularly annoying because any output can end up constant and some can be non-constant (i.e some can have data as an array, some have only one value). But in order to gather weights to store in voxels, they have to all be looked up in a long function that currently assumes they are all arrays. This is behavior specific to texture weights... Writing all combinations of array/constant permutations that there can be for all weight outputs isn't practical (and there can be up to 16 weights, according to that old design!). Alternatively it can be written by checking on every access whether it's an array or not, but that pretty much makes performance worse. So not sure yet what approach to take here.

Zylann commented 3 weeks ago

I pushed a fix in a76509dcb49f5ed2380dde15012a00a1a5759623 to specifically address this case. Not sure yet if that will fix all your findings, but it fixes what I found

NoTalkOnlyProx commented 3 weeks ago

Fantastic, thank you! I will try to build it tonight if I have time and see what happens. Any advice for someone who knows nothing about building Godot on windows? :P Obviously I'll google it and check your docs, but I'd be a fool not to ask

NoTalkOnlyProx commented 3 weeks ago

Aha, I see the builds here, nice https://github.com/Zylann/godot_voxel/actions/runs/10517425490

NoTalkOnlyProx commented 3 weeks ago

0417f38bf7519f9d4da358fabd974f81b8c81cb1 fixes the issue described here for me 100%, nice sleuthing!