Zyrrael / AAP-Classic

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Unhandled state of quests and zones after Stonetalon Mountain #13

Open Olivier-Delierre opened 5 years ago

Olivier-Delierre commented 5 years ago

After a quest in Sontetalon Mountain which I forgot, the AAP addon stopped to work. I can't reset, I've try to uninstall it and clean UserVariables, but nothing helped to.

I'm a Warlock 24 in alliance if it can help.

samuel-belcastro commented 4 years ago

+1 level 23 druid alliance

jakedemian commented 4 years ago

+1 level 23 alliance hunter

Altoc commented 4 years ago

+1 level 23 human warlock

EDIT: After doing the quest in Darkshore where you give the guy the invisibility cloak, suddenly AAP started working again, telling me to turn in the Pridewings of Stonetalon (Which I do not have all of the Venom Sacs for). If it bugs out again after I get the sacs, I'll leave another edit.