Zyun-Y / DconnNet

Codes for CVPR2023 paper "Directional Connectivity-based Segmentation of Medical Images"
131 stars 7 forks source link

IndexError: list index out of range #18

Closed tensorctn closed 9 months ago

tensorctn commented 9 months ago

Hi,I have read your paper and want to run a simulation of your experiment,I follwed your readme and downloaded the ISIC2018 dataset and put it in the data_loader fold ,owing to the fact that I'm just getting started,when I ran train.py ,I don't know why the bug occurred that : Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\TNC\Coderlife\DconnNet-main\train.py", line 151, in main(args) File "C:\Users\TNC\Coderlife\DconnNet-main\train.py", line 113, in main test_root = [pat_ls[i] for i in test_id] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\TNC\Coderlife\DconnNet-main\train.py", line 113, in test_root = [pat_ls[i] for i in test_id]

IndexError: list index out of range
I will sincerely thank you if you can answer me