ZzBombardierzZ / Professionals_Playground_Epoch_Issue_Tracking

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Additional Base upgrades thread #19

Open karrosher opened 4 weeks ago

karrosher commented 4 weeks ago

Addition of blackmail evidence to up allowance of amount of safes in a base, maybe listed as bombs external harddrive - priced highly, maybe 500k etc?

Addition of blackmail evidence to up allowance of amounts of Doors in a base for extra security. 'Bombs housekeys' - priced highly aswell, 500k etc?

Addition of Food shop as previously listed #15

Addition of personal Casino if percieved as balanced to have in base #16

Addition of Cone

ZzBombardierzZ commented 4 weeks ago

Cone https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/KEAHza0yLooEpmF3OdL9szDuIT80qNnpbuEeyC8qcfU/https/media.tenor.com/2n6k4Q-a6nwAAAPo/cone-swimming.mp4

ZzBombardierzZ commented 4 weeks ago

Casino, probably not - at least for base ... unless it's against other players, which could be fun.

Will need some further discussion and/or a vote for the blackmail things.

JCNBandit1 commented 3 weeks ago

i think having the ability to be able to buy expensive upgrades for your base is definatly worth, i mean the way it is now is good, but i would love to many my base bigger instead of cramming as many 4x floors in as i can to save prop space, more doors would be sweet too, and safes.