Zzh-tju / CIoU

Distance-IoU Loss: Faster and Better Learning for Bounding Box Regression (AAAI 2020)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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训练 #9

Open yishunzhijian opened 4 years ago

yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago

训练自己的数据集出现这个问题,请问怎么修改程序? Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 25, in import eval as eval_script File "/home/song/CIoU-master/eval.py", line 882 net.detect.use_cluster_nms = args.cluster_nms ^ TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

Zzh-tju commented 4 years ago


yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago


这修改好之后出现新问题,我觉得下面eval.py程序需要改一下: if args.cross_class_nms = True: nms='cross class' else: nms='not use cross class' if args.fast_nms = True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.cluster_nms = True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.cluster_diounms = True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.spm = True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.spm_dist = True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.spm_dist_weighted = True:

改成 if args.cross_class_nms == True: nms='cross class' else: nms='not use cross class' if args.fast_nms == True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.cluster_nms == True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.cluster_diounms == True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.spm == True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.spm_dist == True: num_count = num_count + 1 if args.spm_dist_weighted == True: num_count = num_count + 1

训练出现了新的问题: Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 504, in train() File "train.py", line 371, in train compute_validation_map(epoch, iteration, yolact_net, val_dataset, log if args.log else None) File "train.py", line 492, in compute_validation_map val_info = eval_script.evaluate(yolact_net, dataset, train_mode=True) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/eval.py", line 964, in evaluate preds = net(batch) File "/home/song/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 541, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/yolact.py", line 676, in forward return self.detect(pred_outs, self) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/layers/functions/detection.py", line 76, in call result = self.detect(batch_idx, conf_preds, decoded_boxes, mask_data, inst_data) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/layers/functions/detection.py", line 122, in detect boxes, masks, classes, scores = self.cluster_diounms(boxes, masks, scores, self.nms_thresh, self.top_k) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/layers/functions/detection.py", line 347, in cluster_diounms scores, idx = scores.sort(1, descending=True) IndexError: Dimension out of range (expected to be in range of [-1, 0], but got 1) 请问这个怎么改?

Zzh-tju commented 4 years ago


yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago



Zzh-tju commented 4 years ago

这就很奇怪了,因为我看你报错是cluster_diounms的第一步scores.sort(1, descending=True),而这一步对fast_nms也是一样的第一步。详情可查看layers/functions/detection.py

yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago

这就很奇怪了,因为我看你报错是cluster_diounms的第一步scores.sort(1, descending=True),而这一步对fast_nms也是一样的第一步。详情可查看layers/functions/detection.py

其他的nms都可以训练,就这个还是有问题 spm_dist_weighted Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 504, in train() File "train.py", line 371, in train compute_validation_map(epoch, iteration, yolact_net, val_dataset, log if args.log else None) File "train.py", line 492, in compute_validation_map val_info = eval_script.evaluate(yolact_net, dataset, train_mode=True) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/eval.py", line 964, in evaluate preds = net(batch) File "/home/song/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 541, in call result = self.forward(*input, *kwargs) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/yolact.py", line 676, in forward return self.detect(pred_outs, self) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/layers/functions/detection.py", line 76, in call result = self.detect(batch_idx, conf_preds, decoded_boxes, mask_data, inst_data) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/layers/functions/detection.py", line 128, in detect boxes, masks, classes, scores = self.cluster_SPM_dist_weighted_nms(boxes, masks, scores, self.nms_thresh, self.top_k) File "/home/song/CIoU-master/layers/functions/detection.py", line 489, in cluster_SPM_dist_weighted_nms weights = (B(B>0.8).float() + torch.eye(n).cuda().expand(80,n,n)) * (scores.unsqueeze(2).expand(80,n,n)) RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (4) must match the size of tensor b (80) at non-singleton dimension 0

detection.py的489行改成 weights = (B(B>0.8).float() + torch.eye(n).cuda().expand(4,n,n)) (scores.unsqueeze(2).expand(4,n,n))(scores.unsqueeze(2).expand(4,n,n))就可以训练了

yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago

请问加入ciou损失和Cluster-NMS后,为什么ap mask的值会提升?我的理解是ap box会提升,因为是对边界框的优化。yolact检测和分割是分开进行的,如何解释ap mask会提升呢?谢谢回复。

Zzh-tju commented 4 years ago


yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago



Zzh-tju commented 4 years ago


yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago


谢谢,那ciou对ap mask的提升怎么理解呢

Zzh-tju commented 4 years ago

CIoU用于bbox regression,可以提升box的质量

yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago

CIoU用于bbox regression,可以提升box的质量


yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago

还有一个小问题,看了一下代码,还是不太清楚ap mask是如何计算的,是计算每个像素吗

yishunzhijian commented 4 years ago

我看到你论文中Balancing precision and recall by different values of β in Cluster-NMS S+D,并且让β等于0.6,但是代码中并没有β的设置

Zzh-tju commented 4 years ago

@yishunzhijian 看 layers/box_utils.py distance函数

yilifan commented 2 years ago

cluster_nms 出现同样问题,请问您解决了吗