a-b-street / abstreet

Transportation planning and traffic simulation software for creating cities friendlier to walking, biking, and public transit
Apache License 2.0
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App crashed when trying to load San Francisco map #1143

Open marchaumann opened 2 months ago

marchaumann commented 2 months ago

Error message using the web browser implementation (running on an M2 Macbook Air, same error in both Safari and Chrome):

panicked at sim/src/mechanics/driving.rs:245:29:
Car with one-step route Router { path: Path { steps: [Lane(LaneID { road: RoadID(11899), offset: 1 })], orig_req: PathRequest { start: Position { lane: LaneID { road: RoadID(11899), offset: 1 }, dist_along: Distance(0.0) }, end: Position { lane: LaneID { road: RoadID(11899), offset: 1 }, dist_along: Distance(0.0) }, constraints: Bus, alt_start: None }, total_length: Distance(8.3374), crossed_so_far: Distance(0.0), uber_turns: [], currently_inside_ut: None, blocked_starts: [] }, goal: FollowTransitRoute { end_dist: Distance(0.0) }, owner: CarID { id: 17, vehicle_type: Bus } } had unexpected result from maybe_handle_end: Some(BusAtStop)
dabreegster commented 2 months ago

There was some case with the GTFS import where a bus had two stops on the same road segment, causing the error. I removed the attempt at simulating buses, so now at least this area loads, and you can try to use the lane editor. Keep in mind #996 -- I haven't worked on the traffic simulation part of A/B Street in a few years and have no time/plans to return to it. You'll probably hit more bugs, depending what you're trying.

The fix is deployed here: http://abstreet.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/abstreet.html?data/system/us/san_francisco/maps/downtown.bin&--dev