Copied from Slack with @dingaaling (with broken list formatting, urgh)
Download links not at the top (and clearly marked with a 'Download here' Title
Relevant emojis instead of bulletpoint marks, and maybe bold main text, e.g.
:oncoming_automobile: Understand how drivers may shortcut through neighbourhoods:three_button_mouse: Experiment with placing filters to create safer residential streets
More line spacing between bulletpoints
More focus on mission (especially first sentence), maybe above motivation?
Clearer heirarchy on about page
Maybe a Learn More on about
Quotation mark missing at beginning of quote on about
Could contact page have a contact form?
Maybe not the biggest fan of the dark blue :grimacing: feel like for main background colours pale works better
As there's only three options does the mobile nav need to be hamburger? Or can they be the same as for comp
Could it all be on one page, with the nav bar linking with anchors?
Less padding/margins on mobile - take up the space! But still aim for rule of 60ish characters per line of text
Can about page be spiced up with visuals/icons? I can imagine points 1 & 2 having accompanying icons
I have one to add: the thumbnails below the carousel all have an outline except for the currently selected one. This is backwards from what I would expect; how about an outline only around the current?
Copied from Slack with @dingaaling (with broken list formatting, urgh)
Relevant emojis instead of bulletpoint marks, and maybe bold main text, e.g.
:oncoming_automobile: Understand how drivers may shortcut through neighbourhoods:three_button_mouse: Experiment with placing filters to create safer residential streets
I have one to add: the thumbnails below the carousel all have an outline except for the currently selected one. This is backwards from what I would expect; how about an outline only around the current?