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Model the Query data structure #34

Open a-bakos opened 1 year ago

a-bakos commented 1 year ago

WP Query args:

$args = [
    'author'                 => '',         // Retrieve posts by Author ID or comma-separated list of author IDs
    'author__in'             => array(),    // Display posts by specific author's user ID(s)
    'author__not_in'         => array(),    // Exclude posts by specific author's user ID(s)
    'author_name'            => '',         // Display posts by specific author's username
    'cache_results'          => true,       // Cache query results or not (true/false)
    'cat'                    => '',         // Category ID or comma-separated list of category IDs
    'category__and'          => array(),    // Retrieve posts assigned to specific categories by ID (AND condition)
    'category__in'           => array(),    // Display posts assigned to specific categories by ID
    'category__not_in'       => array(),    // Exclude posts assigned to specific categories by ID
    'category_name'          => '',         // Display posts assigned to specific categories by slug
    'comment_fields'         => '',         // Specify fields to retrieve for the comments
    'comments_per_page'      => '',         // Number of comments to display per page
    'custom_field_key'       => '',         // Retrieve posts with specific custom field key
    'custom_field_value'     => '',         // Retrieve posts with specific custom field value
    'custom_fields'          => '',         // Retrieve posts with specific custom fields
    'date_query'             => array(),     // Date query parameters (array)
    'day'                    => '',         // Display posts published on a specific day
    'error'                  => '',         // Query error handling
    'feed'                   => '',         // Feed type to retrieve
    'fields'                 => 'all',      // Specify fields to retrieve for the posts (e.g., 'ids', 'names', 'all', 'count')
    'hour'                   => '',         // Display posts published in a specific hour
    'ignore_custom_sort'     => false,      // Ignore custom sorting or not (true/false)
    'ignore_filters'         => false,      // Ignore filters or not (true/false)
    'ignore_sticky_posts'    => false,   // Ignore sticky posts or not (true/false)
    'issearch'               => '',         // Perform a keyword search (alternative to 'search')
    'm'                      => '',         // Display posts with specific post IDs
    'meta_compare'           => '',         // Comparison operator for custom field value (e.g., '=', '>', '<')
    'meta_key'               => 'custom_field', // Retrieve posts with specific custom field key
    'meta_query'             => array(),     // Custom field (meta) query parameters (array)
    'meta_value'             => 'value',    // Retrieve posts with specific custom field value
    'minute'                 => '',         // Display posts published in a specific minute
    'monthnum'               => '',         // Display posts published in a specific month
    'monthnum__and'          => array(),    // Display posts published in specific months (AND condition)
    'monthnum__in'           => array(),    // Display posts published in specific months (IN condition)
    'monthnum__not_in'       => array(),    // Exclude posts published in specific months
    'name'                   => '',         // Display posts by post name (slug)
    'no_found_rows'          => false,      // Disable SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS in the query (true/false)
    'nopaging'               => false,       // Show all posts or paginate (true/false)
    'offset'                 => '',         // Number of posts to offset in the query
    'order'                  => 'DESC',     // Sort order for posts (e.g., 'ASC', 'DESC')
    'orderby'                => 'date',     // Order posts by specific criteria (e.g., 'date', 'title', 'rand')
    'p'                      => '',         // Display specific posts by ID
    'page'                   => '',         // Current page number
    'paged'                  => '',         // Current page of results
    'pagename'               => '',         // Display posts by page name (slug)
    'post__in'               => array(),    // Retrieve posts specified by an array of post IDs
    'post__not_in'           => array(),    // Exclude posts specified by an array of post IDs
    'post_fields'            => '',         // Specify fields to retrieve for the posts (e.g., 'ids', 'names', 'all', 'count')
    'post_mime_type'         => '',         // Retrieve posts of a specific mime type
    'post_name__in'          => array(),    // Display posts with specific post slugs
    'post_parent'            => '',         // Display child posts of specific parent post ID
    'post_parent__in'        => array(),    // Display child posts of any of the specified parent post IDs
    'post_parent__not_in'    => array(),     // Exclude child posts of specific parent post IDs
    'post_status'            => '',         // Post status (e.g., 'publish', 'draft', 'private')
    'post_type'              => 'post',     // Display posts of specific post types (e.g., 'post', 'page', 'custom_post_type')
    'post_type__in'          => array(),    // Display posts of specific post types (AND condition)
    'post_type__not_in'      => array(),    // Exclude posts of specific post types
    'posts_per_archive_page' => '',         // Number of posts to display per page in archives
    'posts_per_page'         => '',         // Number of posts to retrieve
    'preview'                => '',         // Preview post status or not (true/false)
    'robotsmeta'             => '',         // Robots meta tag value
    's'                      => '',         // Perform a keyword search (alternative to 'search')
    'search'                 => '',         // Perform a keyword search
    'search_terms'           => '',         // Perform a keyword search (alternative to 'search')
    'second'                 => '',         // Display posts published in a specific second
    'sentence'               => '',         // Perform a keyword search (alternative to 'search')
    'suppress_filters'       => false,      // Suppress filters or not (true/false)
    'tag'                    => '',         // Display posts assigned to specific tags by slug
    'tag__and'               => array(),    // Display posts assigned to all of the specified tags by ID
    'tag__in'                => array(),    // Display posts assigned to any of the specified tags by ID
    'tag__not_in'            => array(),    // Exclude posts assigned to specific tags by ID
    'tag_id'                 => '',         // Display posts assigned to specific tags by ID
    'tag_slug__and'          => array(),    // Display posts assigned to all of the specified tags by slug
    'tag_slug__in'           => array(),    // Display posts assigned to any of the specified tags by slug
    'tag_slug__not_in'       => array(),    // Exclude posts assigned to specific tags by slug
    'tax_query'              => array(),     // Taxonomy query parameters (array)
    'title'                  => '',         // Display posts by specific title
    'update_post_term_cache' => true,       // Update post term cache or not (true/false)
    'w'                      => '',         // Display posts published in a specific week
    'year'                   => '',         // Display posts published in a specific year
    'year__and'              => array(),    // Display posts published in specific years (AND condition)
    'year__in'               => array(),    // Display posts published in specific years (IN condition)
    'year__not_in'           => array()     // Exclude posts published in specific years
a-bakos commented 1 year ago


struct GB_Query(Vec<GB_QueryArg>);

enum GB_QueryArg {
    EntryType(Vec<EntryType>), // like post_type
    EntryStatus(EntryStatus), // like post_status