a-ceron / tesis-ia

Códigos y documentos desarrollados durante la tesis de maestria en ciencias e ingieneria de la computación
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Training GAN with limited data #46

Open a-ceron opened 11 months ago

a-ceron commented 11 months ago


Create a pipeline using as reference Karras, T., Aittala, M., Hellsten, J., Laine, S., Lehtinen, J., & Aila, T. (2020). Training generative adversarial networks with limited data. Advances in neural information processing systems, 33, 12104-12114.


As in the Karras et. al. article, we should create a pipeline for the creationg of lenitucular efect over galaxy images

a-ceron commented 11 months ago


Training generative adversarial networks using too little data typically leads to discriminator overfitin, causing training to diverge. Autors propose an adaptative discriminator augmentation mechanism that stabilizes trainin in limited data regiments. Witout change to loss functions or network architecture, and is applicable both when training from scratch and when fine-tunininf an existing GAN on another dataset.



  1. What did this papper? They are using and Adaptative Data Augmentation method/pipeline/classification to know if the training its better than other modelos that have a its database is bigger.
  2. Which things are importatn to me? How they are put down the pipeline and they results about the errors with the normal data size and the results after using data augmentation. Also theris had a string indication of overfitting, the propose a way to tackel, prevent the discriminator from becoming overly confident.
  3. What can I use of this papper. Some keys that help us to write some objectives like results (using our pipeline or use only GANS), Whis images are better to use


  1. Karras, T., Aila, T., Laine, S., & Lehtinen, J. (2017). Progressive growing of gans for improved quality, stability, and variation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.10196.
a-ceron commented 10 months ago


Step 1: Finding some GANs models

Step 2: Train models with out using data

Transfering data: Transferring knowledge of pre.trained netowrks to new domains by means of fine-tunning is a widely used practice for applications based on discriminative models. Wang, Y., Wu, C., Herranz, L., Van de Weijer, J., Gonzalez-Garcia, A., & Raducanu, B. (2018). Transferring gans: generating images from limited data. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (pp. 218-234). This article evaluate several aspects of domain adaptation, icluding the impact of target domine size, the relative distance between source and targer domain, and the initialization of conditonal GANs. Using Knowledge from pre-trained nwtworks can shorten the convergence time and can significantly improce the quality of the generate images. That results also suggest that density is more important than diversity and a dataset with one or few densely samplesd classes is a better source model tha more diverse dataset


Step 3: Train models using data

a-ceron commented 10 months ago

Transferring GANs: generating images from limited data


Trasnferring knowledge of pre-trained networks to new domains by means of finetuning is a widely used practice for applications based on discriminative models. We evaluate several aspects of domain adaptation, including the impact of target domain size, the relative distance between source and target domain, and the initialization of conditional GANs. Using Knowledge from pre-trained networks can shorten the convergence time and can sifgnificatly improve the quality of the generated images. Our results also suggest that density is more important then diversity and a dataset with one or few densely sampled clasees is a better source model than more diverse datasets

Key points

Some tips

a-ceron commented 10 months ago

Data section



Legacy Imaging Suerveys Data


Main paper: Mining for strong gravitational lenses with self-supervised learning

Information (aka data images) comes from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Legacy Imaging Surveys' Data Release 9.

From this article, we got two data sets, the first one is a training set with 1615 and the second with 1195 new strong lens candidates (images that contain characteristics of strong gravitational lensing as viewed in the DESE Legacy Survey imaging.