a-digital / cookie-consent-banner

Add a configurable cookie consent banner to the website.
MIT License
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Craft 4 Support #41

Closed gjhead closed 9 months ago

gjhead commented 2 years ago

Any plans to update this for Craft 4?

aarmitage commented 2 years ago

Yes, we have and expect to complete this over the next few weeks. We're hoping to roll this out mid-late July subject to how other client projects fall.

mark-adigital commented 2 years ago

Hey @gjhead - I was working on the Craft 4 port yesterday which appears to be working fine for me on our demo site. If you are able to include the Craft 4 version in a dev site ahead of release for further testing, that would be hugely appreciated. You can do that by including this reference in your composer.json file:

"adigital/cookie-consent-banner": "dev-master",

And then running composer update.

Just let me know if you hit any bugs or problems.