a-h / templ

A language for writing HTML user interfaces in Go.
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lsp: Add HTML Intellisense Support to Templ LSP #498

Open salihdhaifullah opened 7 months ago

salihdhaifullah commented 7 months ago

Currently, the Templ LSP lacks native support for HTML language features. This feature request is to propose the addition of HTML LSP support to the Templ LSP.

joerdav commented 7 months ago

Hi @salihdhaifullah thanks for the proposal.

I just wanted to check if you've tried out the HTML options that are outlined in the docs here: https://templ.guide/commands-and-tools/ide-support

I'm using Neovim and have enabled the HTML LSP on templ files and it works perfectly.

If you're using vscode then the option is to enable emmet completion.

If these are not sufficient then can you please reopen this ticket with details of what you found was lacking?

yardenshoham commented 7 months ago

I think they mean something like image

It doesn't work in templ image

joerdav commented 7 months ago

Okay, yes I see that emmet does not provide this feature. In Neovim you can just enable the HTML LSP on templ files which works alongside the templ LSP:


I can see that you can modify file associations in vscode, but that means that the templ plugin won't run on the files. I wonder if there is a way to expand the list of filetypes that vscode runs the html LSP on.

joerdav commented 7 months ago

I've marked the issue as needing some investigation, so we can explore options before taking this as feature for the templ LSP.

joerdav commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a solution for this. Go templates has the exact same problem in vscode, either you edit the file as a gotmpl or as a html file:


yardenshoham commented 7 months ago

Can the templ LSP proxy the HTML LSP?

joerdav commented 7 months ago

I think @a-h had some thoughts on this. But I can see proxying another LSP as a pain, it's really frustrating that vscode currently doesn't support multiple file associations.

Often the templ LSP has trouble finding gopls to run and proxy, I think having more executables required for templ LSP would damage the ease of install and config. I guess an option would be for proxying the HTML LSP to be an optional feature if the LSP is found, but again balancing multiple LSPs should be the role of the client as Neovim does.

yardenshoham commented 7 months ago

Gotcha. I chose templ because I thought it supports this and that (for me) was the "wow" effect. From https://templ.guide/:

Great developer experience: Ships with IDE autocompletion.

I assumed that meant HTML as templ is for HTML.

joerdav commented 7 months ago

Ah, no that's mostly for the Go side of it, type safety and autocomplete of Go expressions.

a-h commented 7 months ago

We've talked about HTML intellisense support, but haven't reached consensus on what specific features people are talking about, so it's been hard to understand how/if to proceed.

For example, in https://github.com/a-h/templ/issues/498#issuecomment-1933555821, the expectation seems to be that if you put a type attribute on an input should provide a list of stuff, with the assumption seems to be that whatever VS Code does is what we want.

The reason I don't know about the expectations of people, is because people (like me) that don't write static HTML have never seen VS Code's behaviour, so we don't "miss" it. For example, here's what you get in VSCode for JSX (React):


I also tested PHP, which doesn't do anything either. 😁

Assuming we wanted to get all of VS Code's HTML autocomplete behaviour, in https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-extension-samples/blob/main/lsp-embedded-language-service/server/src/languageModes.ts#L46 you can see that VS Code's example embeds the extracted HTML language server (written in JS) into the project. That's how the html1 language is able to define 'areas' of standard HTML.

So, when @joerdav says that we'd have to find more LSPs to run, that's what he means. Templ proxies through to the gopls language server (literally running a gopls process to do so) and re-maps the positions. So users, to get the additional LSP features, would need to have the HTML LSP pre-installed and on their path to get the feature.

To get templ to work in this way we'd have to do the following:

However, I'd rather not spin up a Node.js process just to run a bit of HTML autocomplete, so if all that people really want is autocomplete on tag names, attribute names, and attribute values, we could probably add that directly to the templ LSP. Essentially, the same process, but instead of starting up the LSP, you work out whether the current cursor position is at the element name, attribute name or attribute value position, and trigger the expected autocomplete.

yardenshoham commented 7 months ago

Having this, in my honest opinion, would make templ better than any other HTML templating engine out there

a-h commented 7 months ago

Thinking about how to implement part 1, of just rendering the HTML tags...

There are a few interfaces that represent all of the possible things that can make up a templ Template File. These are things like StringExpression, Element, ConstantAttribute etc.

They all match one of the interface:

https://github.com/a-h/templ/blob/8a1cd80d2e3880e55b6ae15e8245f8fec4e9b6cb/parser/v2/types.go#L403-L407 https://github.com/a-h/templ/blob/8a1cd80d2e3880e55b6ae15e8245f8fec4e9b6cb/parser/v2/types.go#L159-L163 https://github.com/a-h/templ/blob/8a1cd80d2e3880e55b6ae15e8245f8fec4e9b6cb/parser/v2/types.go#L690-L693

Note the Write(w io.Writer, indent bool) error) method on the interface. Templ parses *.templ files into an object model (https://github.com/a-h/templ/blob/8a1cd80d2e3880e55b6ae15e8245f8fec4e9b6cb/parser/v2/types.go#L107-L116).

To format templ files, templ parses into the TemplateFile struct and calls the Write function. https://github.com/a-h/templ/blob/8a1cd80d2e3880e55b6ae15e8245f8fec4e9b6cb/parser/v2/types.go#L118.

If this Write function took a context aware thing, then the TemplateFile could render out just the HTML parts, and that could be presented to a number of downstream HTML-expecting LSPs, like the HTMX one, and the extracted VS Code HTML server.

Note how the positions of the HTML are retained - the Go expressions are just blanked out, or turned to valid HTML that takes up the same space.

Heres an example of what could look like.


You get the first output for everything, and the second output for just HTML.

<a href='google.com' style={css()}>Click</a>
<a href='google.com' style="     ">Click</a>
stephenafamo commented 7 months ago

I think this is great, and while I understand how this would perhaps make the templ LSP seem "heavy", I think the developer experience is very much worth it.

After HTML, we could also proxy JS to another LSP (personally I've been using Biome over tsserver).

It would also then simplify the instructions for Emmet/Tailwind config since the instruction could then be to simply "turn them on" in the templ LSP configuration.

The downside of configurable LSP proxies is that it would be difficult to detect the user's LSP configuration, I wonder if templ does that for gopls at all.

alehechka commented 7 months ago

I'm a believer that HTML LSP support in templ would be a massive win for the tooling of this language. One crazy idea I have would be to utilize the HTML LSP information that other tools have put together to statically generate the equivalent of it into the templ LSP. So for example, VSCode uses https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-html-languageservice for it's HTML and all of the needed data is available in JSON format here. We could create some type of automated process that translates that JSON into Go code to be used as the HTML LSP in templ. Then maybe have a cronjob check on the source to see if it's changed and if so re-run the generation script with the updates. The data source does get published to npm, so that'd be a fairly easy way to check on updates.

a-h commented 7 months ago

That doesn't sound like a crazy idea to me @alehechka. I've started work on an LSP test suite at https://github.com/a-h/templ/tree/lsp_test_suite to improve the overall testing of the LSP integrations. It's not quite there yet, but I hope to get to a point where it's easy to add additional tests, which would make the prospect of implementing the HTML LSP in Go less intimidating. I think that the work to add positions to the templ parser results (boolean attribute/constant attribute/element etc.) would still be needed to make this possible.

alehechka commented 7 months ago

@a-h, I'd love to help implement this if it's the route you'd like to go. Sounds like there's some upfront work to be done before pulling in the HTML source data. I have yet to contribute to the LSP side of things, so I'll spend some time reading up on the code to get familiar with it and see where I can plug-in to help out.

They also have the data available for CSS here. I personally use tailwind so this isn't as big of a deal for me, but I'm sure other devs would appreciate it as well long-term.

Oudwins commented 6 months ago

Will the work on this issue help us get html LSP auto completion for templ.Attributes? Or some other way of passing through html attribute auto complete from a templ component into an element?

Not sure if I have explained it very well. I am refering to something like this:

templ Button(attrs templ.Attributes) {
    <button type="button" {attrs...} >

Button(templ.Attributes{"auto-completion here"})

Together with a tailwind-merge port to go (of which we have 2 now), this is something that has been discussed a lot when talking about building reusable components. Personally I think this is one of the most important features missing right now.

alehechka commented 6 months ago

Wanted to give an update on the HTML LSP baseline work.

a-h commented 6 months ago

Nice work!

On replacing string content with spaces, we might need to use a function like this instead of strings.Repeat, because some strings will be multiline.

func whiteSpaceString(of string) string {
    output := []rune(of)
    for i, r := range output {
        if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
        output[i] = ' '
    return string(output)
alehechka commented 6 months ago

Oooh, that's a really good call! Where newlines were involved the code was getting pretty ugly because I've been separately writing the newline characters with the current WriteContext so they get properly included in the output. Same goes for indents.

alehechka commented 6 months ago


Didn't want your comment above to get ignored. The updates I have been working on will add support exclusively for HTML auto complete (elements and constant attributes).

I think auto complete for templ.Attributes would fall out of scope for this initial implementation.

However, once the HTML LSP proxy is introduced, it may be possible to then configure string key/value pairs within the templ.Attributes to proxy a request as attributes.

Oudwins commented 6 months ago

@alehechka no worries. Yes. Those were precisely my thoughts. As of right now it would be completely impossible but the html LSP proxying will make it possible, which makes this vital in my opinion. The comment was just to confirm that I was right in my assumptions.

m50 commented 6 months ago

We've talked about HTML intellisense support, but haven't reached consensus on what specific features people are talking about, so it's been hard to understand how/if to proceed.

One of the biggest annoyances that seems to be missing with the VSCode templ extension that exists with PHP and JSX (and obviously HTML) is autoclosing tags. In PHP if I type <div>, then it will prompt me to add the closing tag. In JSX, it automatically adds the closing tag if I didn't manually close it. In Templ, it doesn't do anything, and there doesn't appear to be a way to enable this in vscode at all.

I also tested PHP, which doesn't do anything either. 😁

Also, fwiw, PHP does support HTML autocomplete in VSCode, though it does appear to be a little spotty at times. Maybe this isn't in the default VSCode PHP implementation (which is absolute garbage, and PHP should never be done out of the box in VS Code 😅), not sure, since I am using Intelephense for my PHP language server.


(The error under the <?php line is because declare(strict_types=1) needs to be the very first line, and I'm putting a line above it, fwiw)

DannyJJK commented 5 months ago

Also, fwiw, PHP does support HTML autocomplete in VSCode, though it does appear to be a little spotty at times. Maybe this isn't in the default VSCode PHP implementation (which is absolute garbage, and PHP should never be done out of the box in VS Code 😅), not sure, since I am using Intelephense for my PHP language server.

I believe this is intelephense providing the autocomplete. I have used intelephense in other editors and it provides some level of HTML autocomplete.

Zenthae commented 1 month ago

so, i don't understand everything but is this enough to get html lsp running ? https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-quarkus/pull/527/files#diff-7ae45ad102eab3b6d7e7896acd08c427a9b25b346470d7bc6507b6481575d519

Zenthae commented 1 month ago

So, I can confirm, I edited the package.json of the extension on my setup, with this :

        "extensionDependencies": ["vscode.html-language-features"],
        "contributes": {
                "htmlLanguageParticipants": [
                        "languageId": "templ",
                        "autoInsert": true
                "languages": [

and now I have proper HTML support in templ files

image image

a-h commented 1 month ago

Very cool! I'll check it out when I get a chance this weekend.

Zenthae commented 4 weeks ago

i made a PR for this https://github.com/templ-go/templ-vscode/pull/73

joerdav commented 3 weeks ago

@Zenthae I've tested and merged your PR, once the next version of the plugin appears on the marketplace this should be working! Thanks!

This doesn't change our LSP at all, it was done by enabling the html LSP on templ files. So doesn't technically resolve the original issue, but maybe is it an alternative solution, or do we still want to do something more?