a-h / templ

A language for writing HTML user interfaces in Go.
MIT License
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Language server seg fault on VSCode #831

Closed DreamwareDevelopment closed 1 week ago

DreamwareDevelopment commented 1 week ago

Can't get syntax highlighting and autocomplete to work on VSCode because of this. I've quit VSCode, reinstalled the templ extension, no dice.

    go_version="go version go1.21.5 darwin/arm64"
    env={GOOS:darwin GOARCH:arm64 GOCACHE:/Users/zander/Library/Caches/go-build GOMODCACHE:/Users/zander/go/pkg/mod GOPATH:/Users/zander/go GOPRIVATE: GOFLAGS: GO111MODULE: GOTOOLCHAIN:auto GoVersion:21 GoVersionOutput:go version go1.21.5 darwin/arm64

[Info  - 4:37:52 PM] 2024/07/04 16:37:52 go/packages.Load #1
    query=[/Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/account-service/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/account-service/e2e/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/api-gateway/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/query-service/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/query-service/e2e/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/renderer-service/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/renderer-service/e2e/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/libs/go-utils/... builtin]

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x2 addr=0x10 pc=0x1010a34bc]

goroutine 13 [running]:
github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ/lspcmd/proxy.(*Server).CodeAction(0x140000be050, {0x1012920b0, 0x14000039680}, 0x14000427800)
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/templ@v0.2.663/cmd/templ/lspcmd/proxy/server.go:293 +0x35c
github.com/a-h/protocol.serverDispatch({0x1012920b0, 0x14000039680}, {0x101296000, 0x140000be050}, 0x14000538f90, {0x101292388, 0x140003eab40})
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/protocol@v0.0.0-20230224160810-b4eec67c1c22/server.go:158 +0x3e60
github.com/a-h/protocol.NewServer.ServerHandler.func1({0x1012920b0, 0x14000039680}, 0x14000538f90, {0x101292388, 0x140003eab40})
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/protocol@v0.0.0-20230224160810-b4eec67c1c22/server.go:36 +0x6c
github.com/a-h/protocol.Handlers.ReplyHandler.func1({0x1012920b0, 0x14000039680}, 0x140003b2b70, {0x101292388?, 0x140003eab40?})
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:35 +0xdc
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:114 +0x78
created by github.com/a-h/protocol.Handlers.AsyncHandler.func2 in goroutine 22
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:112 +0x194
[Error - 4:38:22 PM] Server process exited with code 2.
[Error - 4:38:22 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.
a-h commented 1 week ago

You're using a version of templ from April, and likely using a newer version of gopls which templ didn't support (because it hadn't come out yet).

Can you install the latest version of templ and try again please?

DreamwareDevelopment commented 1 week ago

I upgraded and then removed the older versions of templ so that I only have:

a-h ⚡pwd
a-h ⚡ls
lexical@v0.0.53                 protocol@v0.0.0-20230224160810-b4eec67c1c22
parse@v0.0.0-20240121214402-3caf7543159a    templ@v0.2.747

In my system. However, after uninstalling the extension then reinstalling I see:

[Info  - 5:33:49 PM] 2024/07/05 17:33:49 go/packages.Load #1
    query=[/Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/account-service/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/account-service/e2e/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/api-gateway/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/query-service/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/query-service/e2e/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/renderer-service/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/apps/renderer-service/e2e/... /Users/zander/Documents/Code/PMap/pmap-api/libs/go-utils/... builtin]

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x2 addr=0x10 pc=0x10250f4bc]

goroutine 36 [running]:
github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ/lspcmd/proxy.(*Server).CodeAction(0x140000be050, {0x1026fe0b0, 0x140001d0140}, 0x140001869c0)
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/templ@v0.2.663/cmd/templ/lspcmd/proxy/server.go:293 +0x35c
github.com/a-h/protocol.serverDispatch({0x1026fe0b0, 0x140001d0140}, {0x102702000, 0x140000be050}, 0x14000a984e0, {0x1026fe388, 0x140001886c0})
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/protocol@v0.0.0-20230224160810-b4eec67c1c22/server.go:158 +0x3e60
github.com/a-h/protocol.NewServer.ServerHandler.func1({0x1026fe0b0, 0x140001d0140}, 0x14000a984e0, {0x1026fe388, 0x140001886c0})
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/protocol@v0.0.0-20230224160810-b4eec67c1c22/server.go:36 +0x6c
github.com/a-h/protocol.Handlers.ReplyHandler.func1({0x1026fe0b0, 0x140001d0140}, 0x14000180690, {0x1026fe388?, 0x140001886c0?})
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:35 +0xdc
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:114 +0x78
created by github.com/a-h/protocol.Handlers.AsyncHandler.func2 in goroutine 22
    /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:112 +0x194
[Error - 5:33:49 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.
[Error - 5:33:49 PM] Server process exited with code 2.

This is extremely strange because I'm certain that version doesn't exist in my filesystem anymore:

pmap-api ⚡cd /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/templ@v0.2.663
cd: no such file or directory: /Users/zander/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/templ@v0.2.663

I think the extension (lspcmd/proxy) may be caching the package itself?

I don't understand how these language server extensions work, so please bear with me.

a-h commented 1 week ago

Not sure if it helps, but sometimes people forget that they're running in a VS Code dev container that has different tools in it, or are running in WSL and haven't updated there.

I think it might be a good idea to add a diagnosis feature to the VS Code extension to print out information about the environment.

DreamwareDevelopment commented 1 week ago

Yeah I don't use a dev container nor WSL. Still not sure what's happening here. Just coding without autocomplete for now.

a-h commented 1 week ago

The go install command usually installs templ into a location on your system path. The VS Code extension looks in a number of locations to find the templ executable, so it could be that you have a couple of versions of templ in different places.

There's no relationship between the version of templ you have installed in your project (as a library), and the templ binary that is somewhere in your system path.

If you run which templ, you should see where the templ binary is installed. And if you run templ version you should be able to see which version of templ you're running.

JohnKinyanjui commented 1 week ago

this error is on windows, if you do it in WSL it works fine

a-h commented 1 week ago

@JohnKinyanjui - are you and @DreamwareDevelopment the same person? Because the information provided by @DreamwareDevelopment shows Unix style file system path separators, not windows style backslashes.

JohnKinyanjui commented 1 week ago

nope we are not, i had the same issues tried different version of templ and also tried to reinstall golang it didnt work ( did all this on windows) but when i tried using WSL and vscode it worked all of a sudden

JohnKinyanjui commented 1 week ago

Oooh now i see the confusion this how it looks for windows

[Info  - 8:25:40 PM] 2024/07/07 20:25:40 Created View (#1)
    go_version="go version go1.22.5 windows/amd64"
    env={GOOS:windows GOARCH:amd64 GOCACHE:C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\go-build GOMODCACHE:C:\Users\hp\go\pkg\mod GOPATH:C:\Users\hp\go GOPRIVATE: GOFLAGS: GO111MODULE: GOTOOLCHAIN:auto GoVersion:22 GoVersionOutput:go version go1.22.5 windows/amd64

[Info  - 8:25:43 PM] 2024/07/07 20:25:43 go/packages.Load #1
    query=[D:\PProjects\bookme_backend\... builtin]

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x10 pc=0x115a7c0]

goroutine 30 [running]:
github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ/lspcmd/proxy.(*Server).CodeAction(0xc0000960a0, {0x133ae50, 0xc000494140}, 0xc0004b2600)
    C:/Users/hp/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/templ@v0.2.707/cmd/templ/lspcmd/proxy/server.go:294 +0x480
github.com/a-h/protocol.serverDispatch({0x133ae50, 0xc000494140}, {0x1341150, 0xc0000960a0}, 0xc000492e70, {0x133b128, 0xc00011c600})
    C:/Users/hp/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/protocol@v0.0.0-20230224160810-b4eec67c1c22/server.go:158 +0x4013
github.com/a-h/protocol.NewServer.ServerHandler.func1({0x133ae50, 0xc000494140}, 0xc000492e70, {0x133b128, 0xc00011c600})
    C:/Users/hp/go/pkg/mod/github.com/a-h/protocol@v0.0.0-20230224160810-b4eec67c1c22/server.go:36 +0x7e
github.com/a-h/protocol.Handlers.ReplyHandler.func1({0x133ae50, 0xc000494140}, 0xc000132b88, {0x133b128, 0xc00011c600})
    C:/Users/hp/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:35 +0xc6
    C:/Users/hp/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:114 +0x76
created by github.com/a-h/protocol.Handlers.AsyncHandler.func2 in goroutine 23
    C:/Users/hp/go/pkg/mod/go.lsp.dev/jsonrpc2@v0.10.0/handler.go:112 +0x165
[Error - 8:25:43 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.
[Error - 8:25:43 PM] Server process exited with code 2.
a-h commented 1 week ago

@JohnKinyanjui - it's hard to see in the log noise, but it's saying it's running templ@v0.2.707

Like I say, the most common problem is not having stuff installed in WSL.

I might update the VS Code extension to auto download templ and install gopls if it can't be found. I think that would solve a lot of problems.

JohnKinyanjui commented 1 week ago

Ok, i update the templ cli using go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest and its fixed but just make it easier i would suggest something like "templ update" so whenever an older version is running it would recommend to run the command

DreamwareDevelopment commented 1 week ago

Go install fixed the issue for me as well, thank you! I'll let you close this @a-h in case you wanted to make changes to the extension under this issue.

EDIT: I just started getting this error in templ files:

could not import github.com/a-h/templ/runtime (no required module provides package "github.com/a-h/templ/runtime")

EDIT 2: I had a 7.07 version in my local module. Upgrading and installing the runtime package fixed it

a-h commented 1 week ago

Thanks a lot folks. You're not the only ones to get tripped up on versions and setup, so I've done a PR for a new templ diagnose command that should help with future investigations. https://github.com/a-h/templ/pull/840

Once that's in templ, we can add a new feature to the IDE integrations to call it, and print out the results, as a pathway to (in the future) possibly installing updates automatically.

re: the could not import error, the templ generate command already prints a warning if the version in the go.mod file is different to the CLI version, and that warning should also be present in the editors... If we see more of the same issue, I'll investigate further.