a-mabe / OpenHIIT

:weight_lifting: :medal_sports: Open-source, cross platform HIIT and Tabata interval timer. Pull requests are appreciated!
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[Feature/Improvement] Adaptive Material Icon #134

Open saltsoftdrink opened 5 months ago

saltsoftdrink commented 5 months ago

Add material theme based adaptive app icon

a-mabe commented 5 months ago

Thank you for opening a feature request, your support is appreciated.

Adding context around the issue, the app is currently using flutter_launcher_icons to generate the icons for iOS and Android. This package does allow for adaptive icons to be set:

However the proper assets for adaptive icons have not been generated, so this is less of a programming task and more of a design task. Would be open to a full icon redesign in order to make this happen

saltsoftdrink commented 5 months ago

Thank you for opening a feature request, your support is appreciated.

Adding context around the issue, the app is currently using flutter_launcher_icons to generate the icons for iOS and Android. This package does allow for adaptive icons to be set:

* `adaptive_icon_background`: The color (E.g. "#ffffff") or image asset (E.g. "assets/images/christmas-background.png") which will be used to fill out the background of the adaptive icon.

* `adaptive_icon_foreground`: The image asset which will be used for the icon foreground of the adaptive icon Note: Adaptive Icons will only be generated when both adaptive_icon_background and adaptive_icon_foreground are specified. (the image_path is not automatically taken as foreground)

* `adaptive_icon_monochrome`: The image asset which will be used for the icon foreground of the Android 13+ themed icon. For more information see [Android Adaptive Icons](https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/launch/icon_design_adaptive#user-theming)

However the proper assets for adaptive icons have not been generated, so this is less of a programming task and more of a design task. Would be open to a full icon redesign in order to make this happen

Will this thing implement in future because it completely ruins the home screen

a-mabe commented 5 months ago

Will this thing implement in future because it completely ruins the home screen

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