a-mabe / OpenHIIT

:weight_lifting: :medal_sports: Open-source, cross platform HIIT and Tabata interval timer. Pull requests are appreciated!
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Issue #7: Added custom colors to workouts #68

Closed alastairrmcneill closed 8 months ago

alastairrmcneill commented 10 months ago

Issue #7

Updated the workout model to add colorInt as a field, representing the color of the workout as an integer

Updated database table with additional column, added the onChanged method to handle users who already have a table, default color goes to blue if they have a workout created before the new table.

Updated the create/edit screen for workouts with the color picker circle.

a-mabe commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the PR! Would it be possible for you to update the integration tests as well? If not, I can update them after I wrap up the background service work

Edit: Looks like it's not the tests, the submit button is overflowing.

dhruv282 commented 8 months ago

Closing in favor of #71