a-recknagel / stenotype

Support for shorthand type annotations.
MIT License
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Fix pages upload #7

Closed a-recknagel closed 5 years ago

a-recknagel commented 5 years ago

The release_docs steps in the main workflow also has an action where the documentation is pushed to the pages branch, and a rebuild of the pages domain is triggered which loads its content.

When checking its current state (the build triggered by 55d6e05e1b3d0b0ed5574c349b8755289a7dec54) as opposed to what's visible when downloading the artifact and opening its index.html in a browser, there seem to be some ... discrepancies:

Opening artifacts in browser: Screenshot from 2019-09-19 09-10-17

What's visible in gh-pages: Screenshot from 2019-09-19 09-09-14

Some things like linking to source code also plain don't work.