a-roomana / django-jalali-date

Jalali Date support for user interface. Easy conversion of DateTimeFiled to JalaliDateTimeField within the admin site, views, forms and templates.
MIT License
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Read only fields #2

Closed MJafarMashhadi closed 6 years ago

MJafarMashhadi commented 6 years ago

Provided mixins and overrides do not seem to be able to affect read only fields. They're still rendered with gregorian date and time values.

a-roomana commented 6 years ago

سلام میبخشید نوتیفیکشن رو خاموش کرده بودم یه مقدار دیر مطلع شدم.

بنا به تذکر شما در نسخه جدید، تاریخ های "فقط خواندنی" هم به صورت شمسی نمایش داده میشوند.

اگر مورد دیگری هم هست خوشحال میشم.

MJafarMashhadi commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your response. There seems to be a problem with templates in the pip version though.

I checked if templates folder is present in the repository and it was, also I checked if the version number had been increased and it was OK too.

I don't know what is causing this but templates folder is missing from the package when installed with pip.

MJafarMashhadi commented 6 years ago

I decided to use it as a git submodule to keep up with the latest changes, but the version on the PyPi is unstable anyway.

a-roomana commented 6 years ago

ممنون از تذکرتون، الان دیگه نباید مشکلی داشته باشه.