a-schild / jave2

The JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder) library is Java wrapper on the ffmpeg project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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when lots of videos to concat . EncoderProgressListernr get a NPE Exception #178

Open naffan2014 opened 2 years ago

naffan2014 commented 2 years ago

jave 3.2.0

First,i have add lots of videos in encode()

// filePathList contains lots of videos absolute path;

for (String o : filePathList) {
            File sourceTmp = new File(o);
            src.add(new MultimediaObject(sourceTmp));
        encoder.encode(src, target, attrs, monitoringConcatListener);

As we can see above,i want to get more informations from MonitoringConcatListener. this is my code

public class MonitoringConcatListener implements EncoderProgressListener {

    public void sourceInfo(MultimediaInfo info) {
        AudioInfo ai = info.getAudio();
        VideoInfo vi = info.getVideo();
        Long duration = info.getDuration();
        Map<String,String> metaMap = info.getMetadata();

    public void progress(int permil) {
        if(permil ==0 ){
            LOGGER.info("concat start");
        } else if(permil == 500){
        }else if(permil == 1000){
            LOGGER.info("concat end");

    public void message(String message) {
        LOGGER.info("concat waring:",message);

At the end, when i ran my code , jvm throw a null pointer exception. After my digging into your code.i found that in Encoder.java lines 551:

try {

      MultimediaInfo info = null;
     // you only care about one  video. 
      if (multimediaObjects.size() == 1
          && (!multimediaObjects.get(0).isURL() || !multimediaObjects.get(0).isReadURLOnce())) {
        info = multimediaObjects.get(0).getInfo();

      Float offsetAttribute = attributes.getOffset().orElse(null);
      Float durationAttribute = attributes.getDuration().orElse(null);
      if (durationAttribute != null) {
        duration = (long) Math.round((durationAttribute * 1000L));
      } else {
        if (info != null) {
          duration = info.getDuration();
          if (offsetAttribute != null) {
            duration -= (long) Math.round((offsetAttribute * 1000L));

      // when there are more videos, info is null.
      if (listener != null) {

i don't understand why you miss List logic. if it is a bug? or my fault?

a-schild commented 2 years ago

Hello @naffan2014 , thanks for reporting this. You are welcome to enhance that code part. And in future, please post the full stack trace when you got any exception

jhsea3do commented 2 years ago

this problem caused by ffmpeg version 4.4.x, since the jave version is above 3.2.0.

to reproduce this issue, please run below junit code

    public void testMergeFiles() {
        VideoProcessor vps = new VideoProcessor();
        String workdir = "testMergeFiles";
        String sample  = "desktop01.flv";
        String output  = "desktop01sum.flv";
        String baseDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator + workdir;
        List<String> files = new LinkedList<>();
        files.add(baseDir + "/" + sample);
        List<File> videos = files
        File mergedFile = new File(baseDir + File.separator + output);
        try {
            vps.catClipsTogether(videos, mergedFile, new EchoingProgressListener("Test Merge Files"));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (EncoderException e) {

merge files task will failed, and get this exception, please notice the command line of the second DEBUG message.

21:40:39,296 [DEBUG ] ProcessWrapper.execute(ProcessWrapper.java:99) - About to execute C:\Users\xxx\workspace\temp\jave\ffmpeg-amd64-3.2.0.exe -f concat -safe 0 -i C:\Users\xxx\workspace\temp\testMergeFiles\desktop01sum.flv.merge.txt -vcodec copy -movflags faststart -an -y C:\Users\xxx\workspace\temp\testMergeFiles\desktop01sum.flv -hide_banner
21:40:42,593 [DEBUG ] ProcessWrapper.execute(ProcessWrapper.java:99) - About to execute C:\Users\xxx\workspace\temp\jave\ffmpeg-amd64-3.2.0.exe -i C:\Users\xxx\workspace\temp\testMergeFiles\desktop01sum.flv.merge.txt -hide_banner
ws.schild.jave.InputFormatException: Invalid data found when processing input
    at ws.schild.jave.MultimediaObject.parseMultimediaInfo(MultimediaObject.java:217)
    at ws.schild.jave.MultimediaObject.getInfo(MultimediaObject.java:165)
    at ws.schild.jave.Encoder.encode(Encoder.java:534)
    at ws.schild.jave.Encoder.encode(Encoder.java:351)
    at ws.schild.jave.VideoProcessor.catClipsTogether(VideoProcessor.java:83)

because the ffmpeg 4.4.x did not accept arguments "-i merge.txt",
here is the command line output difference between ffmpeg v4.4.1 and v4.2.2

$ ./ffmpeg-amd64-4.2.2-static -i ../feature1/desktop01sum.flv.merge.txt -hide_banner
Input #0, tty, from '../feature1/desktop01sum.flv.merge.txt':
  Duration: 00:00:00.04, bitrate: 23 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Video: ansi, pal8, 640x400, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
At least one output file must be specified

$ ./ffmpeg-amd64-4.4.1-static -i ../feature1/desktop01sum.flv.merge.txt -hide_banner
../feature1/desktop01sum.flv.merge.txt: Invalid data found when processing input
jhsea3do commented 2 years ago

I have submit the patch for this issue. #209

otherwise, we may need downgrade the jave-nativebin-xxx version to 3.1.1 to invoid this issue.


