a-sit / PDF-Over

European Union Public License 1.2
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Incorrect credentials Error with correct credentials #67

Closed iaik-skeller closed 1 year ago

iaik-skeller commented 1 year ago

(see mail "Re: AW: AW: AW: PDF Over funktioniert nicht mehr" 15.01.2023) For a yet unknown reason a few users (3 so far) receive the incorrect credentials error, when the communication starts with A-Trust 20230104_210743 All three users did verify the functionality of their credentials with the demo login. The user reported 4.4.1 as the latest working version of PDF-Over. Note: A phonenumber and Handysignature is used at least in 1 of the cases.

Todo Investigate changes from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 that could have influenced what we're sending to A-Trust for authentication. Stay in touch with the affected users, as we atm cannot reproduce the behaviour.

For the log: This was caused by special characters in the password

iaik-jheher commented 1 year ago

was 4.4.2 the atrust rewrite, or was that 4.4.3? have we verified that it's broken in 4.4.2 as well?

iaik-skeller commented 1 year ago

Successfully tested on

tstrohmeier commented 1 year ago

I have the same Issue with pdf-over v.4.4.4 on MacOS (x64).

Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-22 um 16 54 33
iaik-jheher commented 1 year ago

The issue we found to likely be causing this is incorrect UTF-8 encoding in form submissions. Any characters outside the base ASCII 0-127 range will cause the issue, such as Umlauts.

If this affects you, you can grab the PR CI build from #73 as a temporary workaround until we manage to roll this out as a proper release.