a0981906660 / Fortune500_SDG_Analysis

This repo is an example for Helen
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01_keyword code 解釋 #3

Open Helen-CC opened 1 year ago

Helen-CC commented 1 year ago

18~21行 df_keyword %>% select(word2, sdg) %>% drop_na() %>% rename(word = word2)

24行 mutate(SDG_order = str_extract(sdg, pattern = "\\d+"),

29~30行 確認# trim white spaces at both sides mutate(word = str_trim(word, side = "both"))

31~34行 # add regular expressions mutate(word = str_replace_all(word, "\\*", ".?")) %>% mutate(word = str_replace_all(word, " AND ", ".*?")) %>% #舉例 Economic Resource AND Access 在一個句子裡面同時出現,不一定要前後 mutate(word = str_split(word, "; ")) %>% #把excel 裡面同一格有 分號; 的分開到不同row 如row 101

39&44 行

Create a dataframe of keywords without spaces -> nspace

Create a dataframe of keywords with spaces



Load the manual edited keyword mapping


df_manual <- read_excel("./data/raw_data/manual_edit_keywords.xlsx", sheet = "df_manual") h <- hash(keys = df_manual$word, values = df_manual$word_new)


boyiechen commented 1 year ago

Markdown example

This the markdown 101 lecture.


# is the first level header

this is 3rd level header

boyiechen commented 1 year ago

Another example to point out the lines you want to know the details


boyiechen commented 1 year ago

Markdown example

italic Bold face bold face option 2

**Bold face**
__bold face option 2__
boyiechen commented 1 year ago

