Open Cedev opened 8 years ago
Broken down as follows...
After some discussion with Doug, we won't be able to implement the entire L7 feature set in an elegant manner. Ideally, we'd do it all through HTTP Templates, but that's not possible given the feature set exposed by Openstack. We're going to implement a simple HTTP Template-based feature that allows for simple host/url switching and redirect. Cookie/Header switching would have to be done through aFleX, which leads me to believe the whole thing should be done through aFleX.
Having said all that, Cedric noted that rewriting HTTP headers at the LB level really isn't a terribly wise idea and performance impact should be expected.
As an a10-neutron-lbaas user, I'd like to specify layer 7 rules and have them run on the loadbalancer.
Layer 7 rules are new in Mitaka.