a11y-reviews / a11y.reviews

Community reviews on the accessibility of tools and services.
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Add a step for new system (add LimeSurvey) #25

Open Shnoulle opened 3 years ago

Shnoulle commented 3 years ago


I'm one of a developer of LimeSurvey. We improve a11y in last version, and i create a template with other improvement (a11y and other).

But : i think i'm not the best to create a pull request with LimeSurvey. Is there a way to do ?

Can we have a CONTRIBUTE.md for new tool ? We have an old topic about a11y (section 508) : https://forums.limesurvey.org/forum/can-i-do-this-with-limesurvey/38476-section-508-compliance-for-people-w-disabilities but nothing with the last stable (lts) version.

Shnoulle commented 3 years ago
